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Optimizing the Role of Mass Media in Creating National Stability After the Announcement of the Results of the 2019 Election


Jakarta – PP Women’s Defense Ideology Islamic Company successfully held a national dialogue with the theme “Optimizing the role of mass media in creating national stability after the announcement of the 2019 election results” at the H.O.S Tjokroaminoto national house Amir Hamzah 02 park in Central Jakarta. (24/05)

In the dialogue, Hamdan Zoelva, Former Chair of the Indonesian Constitutional Court and Syarikat Islam Chairperson were present. In his presentation, it was revealed that according to H. SO Tjokroaminoto as long as we still did not get economic justice, our equal rights as citizens could not be fulfilled. That is what makes us citizens still have difficulties in current political issues.

According to him the inequality that occurs is a result of imperialism and capitalism that have not been erased in society. Hamdan zoelva added that Indonesia is a plural country that has the greatest potential for conflict. In conditions of society that are inadequate in terms of education and economic infrastructure, idealism in politics is impossible to achieve perfectly.

Except by achieving economic justice in the community to eradicate imperialism and capitalism. Gefarina Djohan, the speaker in the national dialogue also said that the only way to achieve quality elections is to create fair and fair election conditions. The potential for cheating will always be there. But we must not confuse the atmosphere by provoking and adding to the atmosphere of the atmosphere. According to him we must prioritize a sense of heart in responding to the political climate today.

Sabir Laluhu as a senior journalist from Sindo also said that social media is a source of mass media information but limited to the medium to expand the dissemination of information. Regardless of the information submitted is valid information or only limited to hoax. With the mass media as a source of information delivery is expected to be a means of reconciliation after the polarization took place since the election of April 2019 ago.

We as citizens must prioritize conscience when we receive and digest the news. Do not let the mass media make us fall prey to things that are contrary to conscience. Meanwhile Megawaty, general chairperson of PP Wanita Perisai, added in her remarks that it was time for us to abandon our egocentric dichotomy

Whatever election results we must respect and we must have full awareness. It is no longer a matter of 01 and 02 but we must return to the precepts of the three foundations of our country, the Pancasila. Points emphasizing Indonesian Unity.

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