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Papua Finals for NKRI Section, No Room for Separatism


By: Patricia Oktavia Sikoway *

Papua is an important part that will not be separated from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) forever. The people in Papua have an important role in realizing national peace and rejecting all forms of separatist movements. That way, security and tranquility will be created on Earth of Cenderawasih.

The conflict in Papua is not the only challenge in maintaining Indonesian unity. A firm attitude towards territorial integrity must also be put forward as part of efforts to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, one of which is by rejecting separatism in order to maintain the identity and sustainability of the Indonesian nation.

Minister of Defense, Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Prabowo Subianto said that maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia is the duty and responsibility of all parties, including protecting Papua’s sovereignty from separatist groups who want to separate Papua from Indonesia.

Papua, with its natural beauty and wealth of natural resources, must be very well protected. This is a big challenge that must be faced because Papua is one of the regions in Indonesia that is the center of attention at both the national and international levels. Many parties want to separate Papua and even take Papua from Indonesia, one of which is the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST Papua) which wants Papua to be independent.

It is important to know that independence from Indonesia will destroy the values ​​of unity and integrity that are embedded in Pancasila. Therefore, the Government emphasizes that Papua is a legitimate part of the Republic of Indonesia, and there is no room for separatist groups.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) of the Republic of Indonesia, Mahfud MD, said that from all aspects, Papua is a legal part of the Republic of Indonesia and will always be part of the Republic of Indonesia both according to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia according to international law, as well as according to current facts. . He also emphasized that Papua’s freedom from Indonesia will not happen, because it is no longer possible for the UN to make a Referendum Decision regarding Papuan independence.

Even the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, said that the UN will always support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Indonesia as well as the issue of Papuan sovereignty. Apart from that, Mahfud MD also said that the Government is currently continuing to try to resolve these various problems. Because Indonesia’s relationship with Papua is final, it will be maintained at all costs, whether social, economic, political, even financial.

To create a prosperous Papua, we must prioritize the spirit of diversity and unity. Mutual respect, listening and dialogue must be the basis for resolving the conflict in Papua. Good development management is also one of the foundations for resolving the problem of separatism in Papua, provided that it must be supported by all elements of Papuan society. In this way, the Papuan people can move forward as a strong and united nation in realizing a prosperous and dignified Indonesia.

In line with Mahfud MD, Member of Commission I DPR RI, TB Hasanuddin, said that the attitude of the people of the Republic of Indonesia is a fixed price so no one can negotiate the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for the interests of a few people. He also appealed to the joint security forces to strengthen the legal basis for the TNI and Polri to take targeted and measurable actions to eradicate elements who want to separate Papua from Indonesia.

Responding to this, Papuan Youth Leader, Ali Kabiay is of the view that the integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia is a path and a gift from God that must be grateful for. Therefore, Papua’s position as part of the Republic of Indonesia should be maintained as well as possible by all parties.

According to him, Papuan independence is only the wish of KST Papua, not the wish of the Papuan people. He added that there would be no guarantees for the local community if Papua separated from Indonesia, because the massive development of Papua carried out by the Government had greatly advanced Papua in various aspects, such as infrastructure, health, public services and education.

In this regard, it is important for the Indonesian people, especially the Papuan people, not to be provoked by the efforts made by a handful of groups who want to separate Papua from Indonesia. It is appropriate for all elements of society to work together to maintain Papua’s sovereignty as part of the Republic of Indonesia. That way, the Government can continue development and keep the Land of Papua safe and peaceful.

*The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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