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Potential AMNs Creating Leader Cadres Nation


By: Ahmad Sobry *

Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) General Police ( Purn ) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan , SH , M.Sc. said the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) . be one _ center birth candidates leader future nation that is empowered competitive tall , have spirit defend the country, a sense of nationality strong in NKRI frame , as well loyal to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution .

According to Head of BIN, AMN development is a joint ” project “. nation with involve various Ministries, Institutions and Government Province ( Provincial Government ). Whereas the management and development of AMN is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture with involving BIN, TNI, Polri , Kemenpora and Pemrov . Ministry of Education and Culture in a manner operational , in management and development of AMN, empowering local state university . this _ under umbrella Permendikbudristek No 35 of 2022.

In line with Head of BIN, the author also thinks that vision from AMN development _ is unite difference incoming students _ from whole Provinces in Indonesia. So that they can mingle from various Tribe , Religion, and Race.

Budi Gunawan say AMN first built in Surabaya as a “pilot project”. AMN ‘s location located in Siwalankerto , the city of Surabaya with large land is 9975 m2 and its construction implemented by the Ministry of PUPR through budget in 2021/2022.

other AMNs Makassar, Minahasa , Bantul, South Jakarta and Malang are planned . The students selected will stay in AMN for 2 years (4 semesters) and earn scholarship for 4 years . Scholarship provided by LPDP through the Ministry of Education, Culture Research and Technology ( Kemendikbudristek ).

AMNs are built as response concrete RI President over aspirations of 61 Papuan leaders at a meeting on 10 September 2019 at the State Palace. They convey to Head of State idea construction of a student dormitory that can role as crater candradimuka generation multi-cultural youth , love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, as well Empower competitive high in variety field .

Head of BIN Budi Gunawan disclose that while students _ live in AMN, will take part in a coaching program outlook nationality , nationality , character Pancasila students / students , and state defense . They also get training entrepreneurship , leadership , and pioneering .

For it , author hope , BIN as leading sector in To do coaching to AMN students must can prepare the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika format in a manner substantive , which is breath from AMN. With proper construction _ so will can give one appreciation from difference and diversity from each tribe , custom , language , and religion , from each student in AMN .

Head of BIN Budi Gunawan also said capacity AMN Surabaya ‘s capacity is 540 students . Moment this has inhabited by 410 students from college State universities in Surabaya , namely the East Java “Veteran” National Development University, Airlangga University , Institute Technology Ten November and State University of Surabaya. Temporary it , from gender composition , residents of AMN are 262 men (63 percent ) and 150 women (37 percent ). Whereas from facet composition ethnicity , 166 OAP students ( 40 percent ) , with details Men 127 (77 percent ) and Women 39 (23 percent ).

According to author , is very important with exists facility supporters in the Nusantara Student Dormitory _ develop competency students in order for them can more focus study for achievement .

Facility other supports in this AMN will make student feel comfortable for inhabit AMN as well give room for can focus to study and and reach achievement . Neither do students need dizzy for thinking the place for Fulfill needs like eating , bathing, worship, as well washing clothes, because AMN provides various facility for needs student . Students will too given security with exists ready security _ look after and supervise AMN building .

With exists AMN development , got unite whole students in Indonesia from various background behind ethnicity , language , culture and religion with the spirit of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution in Homeland frame .

The presence of AMN is necessary get Support all party . Besides could make it easy student for look for the place stay , the AMN program is believed capable print cadre leader nation with professionalism and integrity .

* Author is Analyst at the Lentera Research Institute


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