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Media and Political Parties Play a Role in Keeping the 2024 Election Cool


By : Mayang Dwi Andaru )*

All parties fully support the role played by the media and political parties (Parpol) in mutually maintaining a climate of coolness, peace and conduciveness within the framework of unity and integrity when the 2024 General Election implementation process takes place.

Soon the Indonesian nation will soon write an ink in history in the process of implementing democratic parties and political contestation through holding General Elections (Pemilu) in 2024, which will be held simultaneously, including the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in November 2024.

It cannot be denied that with the momentum the 2024 election event will clearly be the largest and also the most complex in history or political history in the country. So there must be a role for all parties to be able to integrate together to create each other and ensure the smooth running of the event.

Regarding this, the Vice President, KH Ma’ruf Amin, emphasized how important the role of the media and political parties is to continue to maintain coolness and integrity in the implementation of the General Election in 2024.

In the context of the media itself, according to KH Ma’ruf Amin, now all the convenience and openness of information is indeed a very important element in determining how successful elections will be held so that they can be held in full accordance with the principles of honesty, peace and also continue to uphold democratic values. in Indonesia.

How could it not be, because the broadcast media itself occupies a very strategic position to be able to continue to increase literacy and political education for all citizens so that they can know and implement healthy politics and also the role of the media is able to provide knowledge so that voters are able to choose good leaders. quality, and can stay away from the practice of money politics and identity politics, and continue to prioritize national unity and integrity.

Furthermore, it is also worth paying attention to the role that television media has in disseminating information related to the entire election implementation process as well as being able to further emphasize their responsibility to avoid the spread of fake news or hoaxes and also avoid slander.

BuTo be able to play a role in controlling the spread of hoax and slanderous news, there is a position for private and national television to be able to continue to play a significant role in broadcasting various types of information related to the implementation of the election, while also being able to invite all people in Indonesia to participate in make election activities a success.

The role of television media is also to be able to continue to maintain a conducive climate in society, so that people can respect each other, all differences in political choices and views which cannot be denied will occur, and society itself can also avoid the dangers of black campaigns and fighting. Sheep also include social media.

Furthermore, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia also asked political parties as contestants for the upcoming 2024 election to continue to bring coolness to every process and stage of implementing the democratic party. It’s not enough to stop there, but as an institution that also plays a very important role in providing political education to the entire community, political parties should be able to continue to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

With a conducive situation and peace in society continuing to be well maintained, we will also be able to further increase public participation and understanding of how different political views occur.

When the political parties themselves are able to guarantee the existence of quality political education in society, then it is clear that the people themselves will witness it directly and can feel and enjoy how the democratic process is very enjoyable and also wrapped in national unity.

Furthermore, to supervisors and election organizers such as the General Election Commission (KPU) and also the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) as elements that cannot be underestimated. The second reason is that it also includes bureaucratic ranks such as the security forces of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) to the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) so that they are always able to maintain their neutrality and to be able to prevent potential fraud which will clearly damage credibility in the implementation of the 2024 elections.

Efforts to maintain mutual coolness, peace and conduciveness in society within the framework of Indonesian unity and unity, especially to face the process of implementing the upcoming 2024 General Election, are indeed very important things to be done together. Therefore, all parties should continue to fully support the media and political parties in making this happen.

)* The author is a contributor to the Sadawira Utama Institute

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