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Undisputed historical facts, Papua is indeed an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia


By : Diane Ronsumbre )*

The historical fact cannot be denied at all, that Papua has finally become an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). So it is very clear that the historical facts of the commemoration on May 1 1963, namely the return of Papua (West Irian at that time) to the fold of the Republic of Indonesia cannot be reversed at all.

Former Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tommy Mano emphasized that on May 1 1963 Papua had indeed returned to Indonesia. Therefore, he hopes that these historical facts can continue to be maintained and socialized to the entire community, including the younger generation.

For him, it is very important to continue to socialize the commemoration of May 1, 1963 to the younger generation so that they do not think about other things that are contrary to and have the potential to contradict the historical facts of Papua’s return to the Republic of Indonesia, including, when they know such historical facts, then It is hoped that the younger generation can play an active role in developing Papua in the future.

The former Mayor of Jayapura said that by deeply interpreting the commemoration of May 1 1963, it is one of the factors that can further improve the quality of human resources (HR), including being able to help improve several other sectors such as the health, education, infrastructure and economic sectors. .

Not only that, when the younger generation understands and absorbs the values ​​of the struggle carried out by the founders of the previous nation, including how Papua returned to the fold of the Republic of Indonesia, it is automatically hoped that they will be more educated regarding their national outlook.

It cannot be denied that continuing to promote national insight education, especially to the younger generation through the four pillars so that they can fill the nation’s independence with many intelligent things will clearly also make a positive contribution to this nation and state.

Papua (West Irian in the past) has de facto and de jure been an integral and inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia since its liberation on May 1 1963. In fact, West Irian together with all the original Papuan fighters at that time had a strong commitment very strong to be able to unite, and also declare that West Irian at that time had returned to the bosom of Indonesia.

Ondoafi Besar, Abisai Rollo also said that Papua had indeed finally entered the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, he asked all people in Bumi Cenderawasih not to make additional movements that would actually want to destroy people’s lives.

Efforts to continue to maintain the region in a safe and conducive condition from all disturbances to security and public order (kamtibmas) are something that must be done by all elements of the nation, including Papua.

Likewise, the Coordinator of the Red and White Papua Component Communication Forum of the Republic of Indonesia, Yonas Alfons Nussi, also emphasized that the Determination of People’s Opinion (Pepera) which was carried out in 1969 was a final and very binding decision that Papua had officially entered the Republic of Indonesia.

So that the final decision of the Pepera must be continuously monitored to ensure that it is able to land well with all the young generation of the nation’s successors in the Land of Papua, that indeed the decision made by the parents of the historical actors in the Pepera in Papua at that time was a final decision. and binding.

The decision to join Papua into the fold of the Republic of Indonesia at that time was also something that the parents were able to take responsibility for and in fact it has been proven that currently Papua itself is able to live together and also continue to work in a big house within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

All elements of the nation, including the young generation in Papua, should be able to stand up straight when talking about national and state sovereignty. That the decision taken in the Pepera at that time stating that Papua was an integral and inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia was final and binding.

It could also be said that the decisions taken by parents and historical actors in the Pepera at that time were a manifestation of one of the gifts of Almighty God. This is because currently no one regrets this final and binding decision, and in fact Papua is now able to live in harmony side by side and even continues to experience increasingly rapid progress and development within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia.

The integration of Papua as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is final and binding. This fact is also a fact that cannot be denied at all.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Manado

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