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Damage Road in Kapuas

A citizen is crossing the damage and mud road.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Road is facility and it is important as the access to reach a region. But, in some region in Indonesia, especially in remote area is lack of good road condition. There are many roads with hole and mud.

For example in area of Central Kalimantan province or in entire Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, often meet with bad road. Recently, social media is busy with news from citizen in remote area (West Kalimantan) when cross the mud road.

For people who live with damage road, it arise a question, do they deserve to get good road? Even an asphalt, they willing to have good and easy in cross the road, they will happy to have it.

Most of rural road is still rocky, clay, mud and damage. If in the rainy season, the road will be worst for vehicle. If the rider or driver don’t be careful, it will make dangerous them.

One example cases is on road, such in Kapuas – Mantangai in Kapuas regency, Central Kalimantan province. During rainy season, the road is damage.

The damage make the rider of motor cycle is difficult to cross the road. If they don’t be careful, they might be fall. People make a noise about it, Andre is one of them.

“If we cross the damage road, we need to be careful, decrease the speed and choose the road,” said Andre such quote in tribunnewskalteng.

By the damage, people want government pay attention to damage road.

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