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Do Not Affected by #stopbayarpajak

Joko Widodo attend the socialization of tax amnesty at Medan
Joko Widodo attend the socialization of tax amnesty at Medan

By: Norman Triangga )*

When the government incentive to run the tax amnesty program, recently social media especially Twitter enlivened with hastag #stopbayarpajak. Many accounts write to stop pay taxes in Indonesia.

#StopBayarPajak hashtag on twitter social media clearly illustrates the social unrest. The emergence hashtag is due to the imposition of tax amnesty. Unfortunately, there are still many people who do not understand the program which seeded by Minister Sri Mulyani, so it appears assumptions improperly.

The Government stated that there is less precise understanding developed in the community associated countries impose tax amnesty in the discussion of the law of Tax Amnesty.

In squeaking of #stopbayarpajak, tax amnesty policies are considered sharper to small people compared to the tax avoiders or those who conceal their wealth abroad. There is public concern tax amnesty that tax collector used to squeeze the taxpayer.

Public likely to see tax amnesty granted to the perpetrators of crimes. Though the spirit of tax amnesty is how funds abroad was whether it was in the form of assets, or money that can be immediately re-used to build the republic.

Spirit tax amnesty program is to attract funds repatriation and declaration of Taxpayer (WP) who have not paid. Especially funds that had been parked abroad. Not already orderly pay taxes then chased. Indeed Tax Amnesty Law is a rule that is intended for all people who are obliged to pay taxes. However, the Law on Tax Amnesty focus was not to small businesses or UMKM, but to taxpayers rich store of its assets abroad.

Tax amnesty has many advantages, from improving tax compliance which will result in increased tax revenue that can help increasing the budget for the development of the country. And may increase the state investment and aid payment of the repatriation.

The public must be able to understand more about this tax amnesty program. One of them, through the pages from Directorate General of Taxation that has been prepared by the government. Therefore, we have to be smart in dealing with tax amnesy program which programmed by Jokowi, do not be consumed by issues of political nature were made by elements that are not liable to thwart the progress of Indonesia.

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