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AIS Forum Summit Will Be Held October 2023 in Bali, Discussing Global Issues for Island Countries


The Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum High Level Conference (Summit) will be held in Bali for the first time on October 11 2023.

Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Summit (Summit) This forum is an important event for island countries and countries located around islands.

The first edition of the AIS Summit Forum will discuss various issues relevant to these countries, such as environmental issues, maritime security, economic development and regional cooperation between them.

AIS Forum Secretariat Project Coordinator Riny Modaso said the main aim of the AIS Forum Summit was to enable island countries to share experiences, solutions and joint plans in overcoming the challenges they face, including issues related to waters, natural resources, and environment.

Furthermore, such conferences can also serve as a platform to promote closer regional cooperation and strengthen diplomatic relations between the countries.

“AIS Forum continues to be dedicated to facilitating cooperation and innovation between island and archipelagic countries, with the upcoming activity, namely the First Summit in Bali, which will mark a historic moment in its journey as a global forum,” said Riny

Meanwhile, Deputy for Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Jodi Mahardi, said that archipelagic countries often face a number of unique and complex challenges, including environmental issues, climate change, maritime security and natural resource management. .

For this reason, the need for Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) countries to strengthen their commitment and solidarity in facing common challenges is a very important need.

“No one can understand the seriousness and complexity of the problems we (AIS countries) face better than the island and archipelagic countries themselves,” said Jodi.

“And, no one will understand the solutions to our problems better than people who in real life have been affected by these problems and have solved them themselves,” he continued.

Jodi also emphasized the importance of the AIS Forum as a forum for island countries to contribute to bringing resolutions to global problems.

“This forum belongs to all island and archipelagic countries in the world, regardless of size, location and level of economic development,” he concluded.

It is hoped that the AIS Forum Summit in Bali in 2023 will produce positive results and advance the interests of island countries at the international level.

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