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Appreciate to President Prabowo’s Instructions, Airline Ticket Prices Drop Ahead of Christmas and New Year


By: Mayang Dwi Andaru  )* 

The government has succeeded in reducing domestic airfares by 10% during the 2024/2025 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holiday period. This policy was taken to support public mobility, especially ahead of the peak period of people’s movement at the end of the year which is synonymous with a spike in ticket prices. This breakthrough is real evidence of the Indonesian Government’s commitment to prioritizing the comfort of the people, while strengthening the tourism, logistics, and national economic sectors.

The policy of reducing airline ticket prices has been in effect since two weeks ago and has received a positive response from various parties. Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, explained that the reduction in airline ticket prices involved intensive coordination with all related parties, from airlines to the Ministry of Transportation. AHY emphasized the importance of collaboration between ministries and other related parties so that the policy can run effectively.

The 10% reduction in airfare for the Nataru period is inseparable from the support of various State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which have also reduced the price of aviation fuel (avtur). AHY expressed his hope that similar policies can be continued in the future, with the aim of expanding accessibility to air transportation for the Indonesian people.

Meanwhile, President Prabowo Subianto expressed his appreciation for the steps taken by the Ministry of Transportation and all related ministries. In a cabinet meeting, President Prabowo expressed his gratitude for the solid cooperation between the ministers. 

He stated that the decrease in airfare at the end of the year was extraordinary considering that ticket prices usually tend to increase before the holidays. President Prabowo also emphasized the importance of the readiness of all parties in securing the Nataru holiday period, so that the transportation process runs smoothly and the public can enjoy the trip comfortably.

The government through this policy also expects a wider positive impact, not only limited to the aviation sector. Chairman of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI), Akbar Djohan, appreciated the steps taken by the Government, which he said were very strategic to encourage national economic growth. 

Akbar said that the policy of reducing airline ticket prices could have a positive impact on the logistics and goods distribution sector, especially during the Christmas and New Year period which is usually accompanied by a spike in demand.

The ALFI chairman explained that with the decrease in airfares, the operational costs of shipping goods by air could be more efficient. The decrease in logistics costs will help smooth the distribution of goods, especially those needed for urgent needs during the end-of-year holidays. 

Furthermore, Akbar emphasized that the policy not only benefits the community, but also has a positive impact on the tourism sector and MSMEs in tourist destinations that are increasingly crowded with high travel activities.

He is optimistic that with the increase in travel and shipping activities, the air logistics sector will become more efficient, and support the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises around tourist destinations. In addition, the positive impact on the regional economy is expected to be increasingly felt through the tourism sector and related services.

Minister of Transportation, Dedy Purwagandhi, also added that the reduction in airfare was realized thanks to cooperation between various ministries and related institutions, including airlines, PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia, PT Pertamina, and Airnav. All parties worked hard to reduce operational costs and fuel surcharges, so that the reduction in airfare could be realized without reducing the quality of service.

Dedy emphasized that even though ticket prices have dropped, safety and comfort remain the top priority. In line with that, the Government continues to conduct ramp checks and periodic inspections of all modes of transportation, including planes, trains, buses, and ships, to ensure the safety of people’s travel during the Nataru period. 

The government projects the potential for public movement to reach 110.67 million people during this year-end holiday, so thorough preparation is essential for everything to run smoothly.

In the cabinet meeting, President Prabowo also emphasized that the reduction in airfare prices was a form of the Government’s commitment to siding with the people. He said that although airfare prices usually increase before the holidays, the Government was able to reduce them slightly to help ease the economic burden on the people. This is a rare step and the first time in recent years that airfare prices have been reduced before Christmas and New Year.

In addition, President Prabowo also emphasized that even though airline ticket prices have fallen, the Government still needs to maintain the stability of the aviation industry so as not to harm the sector in the long term. 

President Prabowo asked all parties to continue to collaborate to create policies that can provide maximum benefits to the community, while still paying attention to the continuity of the vital aviation industry.

With this policy, the Government hopes to provide comfort and convenience for people who want to travel during the end-of-year holidays. The reduction in airfare prices is expected to not only benefit consumers, but also provide a boost to the Indonesian economy as a whole, including the tourism, logistics, and MSME sectors. 

President Prabowo and the relevant ministers have demonstrated their commitment to continue to strive to advance Indonesia and support the people, through appropriate policies that are responsive to the needs of the community.

)* contributor to the Main Sadawira Institute

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