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Appreciating the Integration of Infrastructure Development in Papua


By : Ferdy Mawirampakel )*

In order to develop Papuan infrastructure, all parties must work together so that there is equality and agreement. With cooperation and synergy, it is hoped that the construction and development of infrastructure in Bumi Cendrawasih will get better. The Papuan people will benefit because they enjoy the infrastructure and facilities that have been built by the government.

During President Jokowi’s administration, Papua continued to be developed, especially in the infrastructure sector. He really cares about the people of Bumi Cendrawasih and wants them to be better. Papua has a lot of potential, both natural resources and human resources, and the government wants the region to be more developed with this potential.

The government is building infrastructure in Papua, from roads to bridges. Infrastructure development has good aims, one of which is for economic progress. After the infrastructure is built, there will be development so that the results are better. To develop this infrastructure, integration from all parties is needed, so that the results are more perfect.

Head of the Regional Infrastructure Development Agency (BPIW) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Yudha Mediawan stated that the government is committed to accelerating infrastructure development in 6 Papua provinces. To create infrastructure development throughout Papua, it is necessary to support a network of northern and southern coastal routes in Papua.

Yudha Mediawan continued, the road network aims to accelerate economic growth by encouraging the region’s main sectors. Apart from that, it also functions to prepare the community to accept the benefits of regional development.

Then, there must be support for basic infrastructure to fulfill Minimum Service Standards (SPM). If there is a lot of infrastructure it will open up isolation in remote areas of Papua. Meanwhile, Papua needs integrated and comprehensive infrastructure development.

To support infrastructure development, synergy from all parties is needed. Comprehensive development planning is carried out for the sake of the Papuan people. Therefore, all parties are obliged to work together in order to develop infrastructure on Bumi Cendrawasih.

The regional government assists the central government in the construction and development of infrastructure in Papua. Therefore, all regional officials are asked to integrate. Let no one stand in the way when representatives from the center come to help with the construction and development of infrastructure for bureaucratic reasons.

Integration must be carried out for development projects and infrastructure development in Papua. By working together, the process will be better and more timely.

Then, the Papuan people also work together to support infrastructure development projects. They realize that development on Bumi Cendrawasih is being done for them. 

Therefore, the community does not oppose infrastructure projects. When someone provokes them, they are ignored, because holding a demonstration at a development project is tantamount to setting back progress in Papua.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is preparing a number of infrastructure development programs for the 2023 Fiscal Year (FY) in Merauke Regency, South Papua which include the fields of water resources, connectivity, settlements and housing to support the realization of regional economic growth.

In the field of water resources, the Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Water Resources is completing the construction of Lampu Satu Beach Protection and the construction of flood control for Merauke City. Apart from that, food development in the form of processing and utilizing irrigation water is also a priority program.

Head of the Secretariat of the National Water Resources Council of the Ministry of PUPR, Happy Mulya, said that the area of ​​food reserves in Merauke Regency is around 1.2 million hectares, so it has great potential for national food development. 

Regarding the priority program, namely food development, because the National Food Reserve located here can reach 1.2 million hectares, specifically in Merauke. Meanwhile, in South Papua itself it could reach 2.4 million hectares, then what has been eliminated could be 550 thousand hectares. Well, what has been developed by the Merauke Papua River Regional Office with related agencies here is around 71 thousand hectares, if I’m not mistaken BWS itself has developed 35 thousand and the others are being developed by the provinces and districts.

Apart from that, to strengthen connectivity in Merauke Regency, the Ministry of PUPR has contracted work packages in FY 2023, including Preservation of the Bupul-Erambu-Sota Road, Preservation of the Bts Road. Regency. Boven Digoel/Merauke-Muting, Preservation of Jalan Getentiri – Bts. Regency. Merauke/Regency. Boven Digoel (MYC), Tanah Merah – Getentiri Road Preservation (MYC), Mindiptana – Tanah Merah Road Preservation (MYC).

There are also improvements to the structure of the PLBN Yetetkun I (MYC) Access Road, Preservation of the Waropko – Mindiptana Road, Construction of the Anak Nyum Cs (MYC) Bridge, Construction of the Kao Cs (MYC) Bridge, and Construction of the Iwur – Waropko II (MYC) Road.

The community and all parties support infrastructure development in Papua. The people realized that massive development was being carried out for good purposes and for their progress. With integration and cooperation, infrastructure development will run well and on time.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Medan

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