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Appreciation of the Government’s Efforts to Ensure the Homecoming Flow Runs Safely and Smoothly


By: SA Pamungkas )*

Approaching Eid al-Fitr, Indonesian people are once again entering the homecoming period, where millions of people will travel long distances to celebrate the moment with their families. The phenomenon of going home has become a tradition embedded in the culture of Indonesian society, but is also often characterized by various challenges, especially related to safety and security while traveling. So, extra preparation and attention is needed regarding security and safety.

In response to this, security forces in various regions have made various preparations and increased guarding to secure the homecoming flow for Eid al-Fitr. These steps are taken to ensure that the homecoming journey runs smoothly and safely for all parties involved. A number of activities carried out by security forces include increasing patrols on homecoming routes, strict inspection of vehicles and passengers, as well as strengthening security at terminals and transportation stations.

Ahead of Operation Ketupat 2024, Situbondo Police Chief AKBP Dwi Sumrahadi Rakhmanto together with Dandim 0823 Situbondo Lt. Col. Inf Alexander AB and Situbondo Regent Drs. H. Karna Suswandi led the Cross-Sectoral Coordination Meeting activities in the context of securing Eid al-Fitr 1445 H 2024 at the Situbondo Police Tribrata Building.

Situbondo Police Chief AKBP Dwi Sumrahadi Rakhmanto said that the objects of security for the 2024 Ketupat Semeru Operation were Eid prayer locations (mosques and fields), terminals, ports, shopping centers and entertainment or tourism venues. Apart from that, Operation Ketupat Semeru 2024 involves joint personnel consisting of the National Police, TNI, Dishub, Satpol PP, Dinkes, Senkom, Damkar, KSOP, Kamla, PMI, Tagana and other Community Security and Security Partners.

To support the security of the homecoming flow this year, 6 Ketupat Semeru Operational Posts were established, including security and service posts this year, namely Pospam Banyuglugur, Pospam Pasir Putih, Posyan Kota, Pospam Anchor, Pospam Asembagus and Pospam Banyuputih. The aim of this operation is that people feel safe and comfortable in fasting and celebrating Eid al-Fitr, securing homecoming traffic and also tourist attractions and crowds. Therefore, so that the operational objectives can be achieved and run well, the National Police needs cross-sectoral support with other agencies and religious figures.

Increased escorts carried out by security forces are not only aimed at preventing crime, but also at overcoming various possible disturbances that could occur during the homecoming journey. This is done in an effort to create safe and comfortable conditions for travelers, so that they can reach their destination safely and without significant obstacles.

Apart from that, security forces are also working together with various related parties, such as the Transportation Service, the National Police Traffic Unit, and other agencies, to ensure that all aspects related to the Eid homecoming flow can be well controlled. This cross-sector collaboration is very important in facing big challenges such as homecoming traffic, because it involves various parties with their respective capacities and expertise.

In order to optimize the control and security of the Idul Fitri homecoming flow, security forces also carry out various preventive measures, such as outreach to the public about the importance of safety when driving, providing security posts at strategic points, and increasing the availability of emergency services such as ambulances and fire extinguishers. . All these steps are taken to minimize the risk of accidents and ensure that assistance can be provided immediately if needed.

South Lampung Police Chief, AKBP Yusriandi Yusrin said that his party was simultaneously carrying out troop deployment, so South Lampung itself will later establish 11 pump posts and two service posts which will be established at Bakauheni port and airport. Tightening was carried out at Bakauheni Port because this area is prone to traffic jams and accumulation of vehicles. The reason is that this area is the entry and exit point to Sumatra. Later escorts, said Yusriandi, will be prioritized at night, to anticipate crime on the road.

With all the efforts that have been made by the security forces and various related parties, optimism regarding the smooth flow of the Idul Fitri homecoming this year is increasing. Even though challenges and risks always exist, with good cooperation and coordination between all parties, it is hoped that this homecoming trip can run smoothly and safely for all travelers.

Even though the security forces have made maximum preparations, support from the entire community is also urgently needed. One way to support safety while returning home is to comply with traffic rules and driving safety. Avoid fatigue when driving and make sure the vehicle is in good condition before starting the trip. 

Apart from that, obey traffic rules, do not use illegal drugs or alcohol when driving, and prioritize safety and security at every step of our journey. In this way, we can all play an active role in creating a smooth and safe homecoming for Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah for all.

)* The author is a Contributor to Info Jateng Bersatu

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