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Communi&Co Holds Discussion, Supports the Ciptaker Law


By : David Falih Hansa )*

Discussions and outreach are continuing to be carried out by many parties, one of which is Communi&Co which held a discussion on Friday (14/4) discussing the Job Creation Law which is actually meant for all parties and stakeholders in Indonesia, especially in the interest of growth and economic equity so it is really worth continuing to support.

The development of the dynamics of the global economy is indeed happening very fast. This must be anticipated immediately, especially regarding its impact on the national economy and also influencing job creation in Indonesia. Therefore, in anticipatory efforts, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) must be able to establish anticipatory policies in strengthening domestic economic fundamentals through structural reforms.

The Bill on the Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation has also been approved by the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) and passed into Law (UU) at the Plenary Session.

The Indonesian government itself has also heard a lot of views from various factions and has also given appreciation. All of these records have always been input in all processes of implementing the Law on the Stipulation of the Perppu on Job Creation into law.

Then, with the passing of the Job Creation Perppu into law, it is also able to provide legal certainty and also many other benefits that can be received by the public, MSMEs, business actors and workers for the implementation of the Job Creation Law, so that all of these benefits can also be continued.

Regarding the implementation of the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision on the previous Job Creation Law, the Government together with the DPR RI itself has implemented all of these decisions, namely the preparation of the Law has been carried out using the Omnibus Law method, then technical errors in writing have been corrected and public participation has been increasingly increased. meaningful (meaningful participation).

Real evidence of increased participation is that, since the Job Creation Law was enacted, Ministries or Agencies have conducted a series of outreach and public consultations, up to 610 times and 29 times by the Job Creation Socialization Task Force.

Of course, the many series of events show that the Government of Indonesia is indeed continuously conducting outreach, education, consultation, technical guidance and even assistance needed in implementing the Job Creation Law.

Regarding the Government’s efforts to provide socialization to the wider community regarding the Job Creation Law, the Founder of the Indonesian Intelligent Communication Movement (GCKI), Ellys L Pambayun explained that indeed in order to be able to continue to build public aspirations and participation, the government itself has made many efforts. .

However, it turns out that there are still some people who are wrong in understanding the meaning of how good the Job Creation Law is, so actually there still needs to be some improvement in the government’s communication pattern, namely by not being too linear.

At least the Government and the DPR RI can use communication patterns that are more micro in nature but represent the community so that communication does not only run linearly from top to bottom, but the public can feel that they are considered as subjects in the communication, not as objects.

Meanwhile, University of Indonesia (UI) Economic Observer, Fithra Faisal stated that the main purpose of the issuance or ratification of the Job Creation Perppu to become a Law was to be able to overcome the problems currently being experienced by Indonesia, namely to be able to support 6 (six) percent of economic growth per year. Therefore, in order to achieve this, at least the government needs 3 (three) main pillars that must be met, namely first is to improve infrastructure, then improve human resources (HR) and improve institutions.

Of course, the existence of the Ciptaker Law is one of the efforts to uphold this important pillar, so that it can continue to boost export figures and economic growth through institutional improvements.

On the same occasion, the Special Staff (Stafsus) of the Minister of State Secretariat (Mensesneg), Faldo Maldini said that so far there are actually overlapping regulations and there is still no seriousness in fixing them. However, in the era of President Jokowi’s leadership, it turned out that he was very serious about fixing all of these overlapping regulations by holding the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law to be able to fix this problem.

Moreover, right now the world is also experiencing a crisis of global economic uncertainty and coupled with the war that took place between Russia and Ukraine which is increasingly hampering world economic growth. So it is very important to immediately have clear regulations as a legal umbrella as well as anticipatory measures so that Indonesia does not fall further into the current of global uncertainty.

On the other hand, Secretary General of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (BPP HIPMI), Anggawira, said that it is true that problems that occur today should be resolved in the most up-to-date ways. The government and DPR RI themselves continue to strive to comprehensively resolve many economic problems and challenges.

This nation continues to strive for economic growth and equity, which can indeed be achieved if there is ease in the field of investment in the country. If this can go well, growth and equity will also occur. The Omnibus Law method in the Ciptaker Law is considered capable of comprehensively synchronizing a law with other laws so that there are clear regulations.

The existence of the Job Creation Law itself deserves to be supported by all elements of Indonesian society. The reason is, the existence of these rules is intended to be able to create equity and also better economic growth for the benefit of people’s welfare in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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