Government Ensures Legislative Building in IKN Will Be Built Early 2025
By: Andi Mahesa)*
The development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan is increasingly showing significant progress. One thing that has caught the public’s attention is the government’s guarantee that the legislative building in the IKN will begin construction in early 2025. This is part of a grand plan to move the center of Indonesian government to the IKN, while accelerating the distribution of economic development throughout Indonesia.
The relocation of the nation’s capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan is not just an ordinary infrastructure project. This is a major step that aims to reduce the burden on Jakarta as the center of government, as well as encourage more equitable development throughout Indonesia. The government has targeted the development of this IKN to become a more efficient, environmentally friendly, and sustainable center of government.
The construction of the legislative building in the IKN is one of the important indicators of the progress of the capital city relocation. This legislative building will be home to the DPR (People’s Representative Council) and MPR (People’s Consultative Assembly), which have a crucial role in policy-making and overseeing the running of government. The establishment of this infrastructure will provide a clear sign that the process of moving the capital city is not just a discourse, but a project that is underway with full commitment.
The construction of the legislative building shows that the relocation of the center of the Indonesian government is not only limited to moving the presidential office or ministries, but also integrating the entire government system into one more centralized and organized center. The legislative building built in the IKN will bring the relationship between the legislative and executive institutions closer, creating better efficiency in the policy-making process.
The construction of the legislative building in the IKN also reflects an effort to create a new symbol of Indonesia’s diversity and unity. The IKN is designed as an inclusive and environmentally friendly city, reflecting the identity of the advanced and modern Indonesian nation. By building the legislative building in the IKN, the government also shows its commitment to providing a balance between efficient governance and awareness of the importance of diversity and social justice throughout Indonesia.
Deputy Minister of Public Works, Diana Kusumastuti said that the construction of the IKN will continue during the administration of President Prabowo-Gibran. The construction of the IKN that is already underway will continue. Her party will also coordinate with related stakeholders to continue infrastructure development, including the construction of the legislative building.
According to him, one of the biggest impacts of the construction of the legislative building in the IKN is the potential for increasing the economy of the surrounding area. This big project will certainly attract investment and create thousands of jobs, both in the construction, manufacturing, and other supporting service sectors. The infrastructure built around the IKN, including transportation, energy, and information technology, will drive the wheels of the regional economy and open up opportunities for local entrepreneurs.
In addition, the relocation of the capital city and the construction of the legislative building will help distribute the economic and government centers from Jakarta to areas that have so far been less developed. Jakarta, as the center of the economy and government, has experienced infrastructure congestion and development inequality. The relocation of the center of government to the IKN can reduce this pressure and provide opportunities for other regions to grow and develop. The government also hopes that with the presence of a new center of government outside Java, the Indonesian economy can be more diversified and more inclusive.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Indonesian Capital Authority (OIKN), Basuki Hadimuljono, said that his party will realize the construction of judicial and legislative office buildings in two years, starting in 2025. For now, the process is still at the auction stage.
Minister of Public Works (PU), Dody Hanggodo revealed that the progress of the development of the IKN Nusantara, one of which is related to the auction process for facilities and infrastructure for the construction of the Legislative to Judicial offices. Dody explained that this is still being reviewed by the Financial and Development Audit Agency (BPKP) to then carry out the auction process.
Dody revealed that the entire investment budget for development in the country is awaiting review from BPKP. However, he said that this target can be completed in the first quarter of 2025 so that the auction process for legislative and judicial offices in the IKN can be realized.
The construction of the legislative building in the IKN is part of the government’s major efforts to create a more efficient, transparent and centralized government. By moving the center of government to the IKN, Indonesia can start a new chapter in its journey towards modernizing government and more inclusive development.
In the long term, the relocation of the capital city and the construction of the legislative building are expected to have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. The IKN will be a center of government that is not only efficient in managing the country, but also reflects the diversity and strength of Indonesia as a nation. The government must continue to ensure that this project can run according to plan and provide long-term benefits for all Indonesian people.
Overall, the construction of the legislative building in the IKN is a real step towards a more decentralized government and a more equitable economy. It is a symbol of Indonesia’s determination to grow better, more inclusively, and more advanced. The government must ensure that every aspect of development in the IKN is well planned and implemented, so that its benefits can be felt by all levels of society.
)* The author is a student who lives in Jakarta.