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Head of BIN Invites All Regional Heads to Prepare for a Year Full of Uncertainties


Jakarta – Head of BIN Gen. Pol ( Purn ) Budi Gunawan invites all regional heads throughout Indonesia to prepare for 2023 because it is full of uncertainties. Based on a future review from world intelligence, 2023 will be a dark and uncertain year. Many factors will cause this uncertainty, so all parties must be prepared to face it .

This was conveyed by the Head of BIN General Pol ( Purn ) Budi Gunawan when he was a speaker at the National Coordination Meeting Forkopimda 2023 at SICC, Bogor Regency, West Java, Tuesday (17/1/2023).

The image of uncertainty and being a dark year in 2023 is termed in Intelligence as Winter is Coming , said the Head of BIN.

The year 2023 is also said to be the year that is haunted by the threat of recession and inflation whose effects will reach the regions and be felt by the household economic group both in cities, districts and remote villages.

Regional heads throughout Indonesia must be able to prepare themselves so that the impact felt in Indonesia does not interfere with the community in meeting their daily needs, said Budi Gunawan.

The Head of BIN added, the war between Russia and Ukraine is expected to be long and the war between the two countries could disrupt the world’s energy and food supply which of course has major implications for the international world.

“Based on intelligence analysis, there is a big potential for threats, starting from the Russia-Ukraine War which will last a long time and also the potential for the use of nuclear weapons which will make the world community worry about the impact of nuclear weapons if used in war,” said the Professor of Intelligence.

The geopolitical situation of China and Taiwan will also heat up and become a cause for concern because it will affect the world’s logistics routes, he continued.

According to him, the impact of all this is that countries can become narrow-minded nationalism, which is done to secure their own domestic needs. He gave an example of Italy which has the potential to experience an electricity and food crisis.

We take as an example Italy which has experienced an electricity crisis and food shortages. Meanwhile, several countries in Africa are very dependent on 90 percent of wheat imports from Russia and Ukraine, he explained.

Reflecting on all of this, the Head of BIN hopes that all elements of the nation can together make this difficult 2023 a year of blessings by making better and more mature preparations and caring more about the wider community.

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