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Increasingly Conducive, North Morowali Regional Figures: The Investment Climate Must Be Maintained


North Morowali — The situation in North Morowali is reported to be very conducive after a clash occurred between TKA and TKI workers at PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI). Regional leaders in Morut advised that the investment climate could be maintained by continuing to ensure a peaceful situation in the region.

North Morowali Community Figure, Jabar Lahadji explained that the community really needed investment.

According to West Java, this can boost the economic growth of the surrounding community. He also regretted the incident of rioting at PT GNI some time ago.

“Of course we are grateful for the incoming investment, because it will bring multi-effect regional economies,” he said Monday (23/1)

Furthermore, the former Morut DPRD member suggested that PT GNI’s management continue to evaluate and improve so that similar incidents would not be repeated in the future. He also hopes that management will continue to open up, including to community leaders and the media

Meanwhile, the Village Head of Bahoue, North Morowali, Muh Syarih supports the existence of PT GNI in his area. According to him, PT GNI has created jobs for Bahoue residents.

“I see the current situation, young people who previously found it difficult to get a job, this company can greatly help and reduce unemployment,” he said

The Bahoue Lurah also regretted the incident of PT GNI workers’ clashes that had previously occurred. According to him, this event could result in a slowdown in the economy and increase in unemployment.

On another occasion, the Head of Petasia District Head, M. Yamin Bagenda, admitted that the Regional Head as well as the whole community really accepted and supported the existence of PT GNI and the investment in the area.

“We, the Kolonodale Sub-District Government, together with all the people of the Kolonodale Sub-District, are very accepting and supportive of PT GNI’s mining investment in our area,” he said.

Not without reason, because the existence of PT GNI really helps the people’s economy.

“Because the company added to GNI greatly affects the community’s economy such as markets, MSMEs and other businesses,” continued M. Yamin.

In the same vein, Bahontula Village Head, Budi Tangko also admitted that the whole community is very supportive of creating an investment climate in the nickel company.

“With the presence of the PT GNI company in North Morowali, we, as the Bahontula Sub-District Government together with the Bahontula sub-district community, are very supportive of the presence of PT GNI’s investment in North Morowali Regency,” he said.

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