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Infrastructure Development to Boost Papua’s Economy


By: Theresia Wopari )*

Infrastructure development in Papua is being carried out rapidly. One of the goals is to boost the economy there. If the infrastructure is good, it will make it easier for people to move and run their business. Then, when there are good land roads it will cut dependence on air transportation, so that it can save on shipping costs and have a positive effect on the people’s economy.

Papua’s economic growth continues to increase. This is very good because it shows the success of infrastructure development on Cendrawasih Earth. The government is determined to continue building infrastructure for the welfare of the Papuan people, so that there is an even distribution of development from Sabang to Merauke.

Ongoing developments in Merauke include: Preservation of Bupul-Erambu-Sota Road, Preservation of Jalan Bts. Regency. Boven Digoel/Merauke-Muting, Jalan Getentiri-Bts Preservation. Regency. Merauke/Regency. Boven Digoel (MYC), Preservation of the Tanah Merah-Getentiri Road (MYC), Preservation of the Mindiptana-Tanah Merah Road (MYC).

Next is the construction of the Improved Structure of the PLBN Yetetkun I (MYC) Access Road, Preservation of the Waropko-Mindiptana Road, Construction of the Anak Nyum Cs (MYC) Bridge, Construction of the Kao Cs Bridge (MYC), and Construction of the Iwur-Waropko II (MYC) Road.

Head of Infrastructure Development for Region III C – Papua Island, Doedong Zaenal Arifin stated that his party had targeted connectivity for four districts in South Papua to be connected. Boven Digoel and Merauke Regencies are connected, but not yet with Asmat and Mappi Regencies. This is the government’s target so that everything is connected.

In that sense, infrastructure development in Merauke and in other areas of Papua has been so rapid. The government is not only building the Trans Papua Road but also the Sentani International Airport and other infrastructure. With the construction of buildings, roads, airports and other infrastructure in Papua, society will be more advanced.

Roads that connect between districts and other areas are beneficial for the people of Papua, whose profession is traders. They can send goods to be sold faster, so they are trusted by buyers, so that the business runs smoother and gets maximum profits.

If there is trust from buyers, it will boost Papua’s economy and prosper its people. Therefore, all residents in Cendrawasih Earth are grateful because infrastructure development is useful for mobility while increasing their standard of living.

Then, with connecting roads between regions, the cost of shipping goods can also be reduced, and reduce dependence on air transportation. If previously you had to send groceries and other goods by plane, now you can send them by road.

To send goods throughout Papua, you don’t need to buy expensive avtur, but ordinary gasoline is enough. When shipping costs are reduced, the price of goods will automatically decrease, so that it is the people who benefit. The price of rice and other staple foods can be reduced, as a positive domino effect from Papua’s infrastructure development.

Elisa Nian, Head of Bring Village, Jayapura Regency, stated that road infrastructure is very useful for developing villages. This is evidence of concern from the Indonesian government. In a sense, civilians also benefit from this infrastructure development.

The development of villages in Papua is facilitated by the development of infrastructure in the form of connecting roads between regions. With good roads, trucks and heavy equipment can pass through that will be used during the village development process. The Papuan people will be more advanced because their territory continues to be improved by the government.

Doedong continued, in the settlement sector, there was implementation of a number of rehabilitation and school infrastructure in Merauke and Mappi Regencies. While the implementation of development in the housing sector, namely the Construction of ASN Flats (Rusun) of the Ministry of Finance of the Merauke Regency, Merauke Archdiocese Flats, Seminary Commission, and PSU Housing Belian Biorep Permai.

In a sense, development in Papua is not only in the form of roads and bridges. However, the infrastructure built was also in the form of housing and schools. The government realizes that the Papuan people need proper housing and they have made housing and flats (flats). With housing and flats, people will live healthier and happier, because they have many supporting facilities and are more hygienic.

In addition, infrastructure development in the form of good and smooth roads will make it easier for people to get access to health. When they are sick, they can immediately come to the clinic or health center. Or when the situation is critical, ambulances and other vehicles carrying doctors or midwives can pass through that road and save patients more quickly.

The people of Papua are happy because their territory is continuously being developed, both from infrastructure in the form of roads to schools and housing. All of this development is for the sake of the people of Cendrawasih Earth. They will be more advanced, especially in terms of the economy.

The government is building various infrastructure in Papua, starting from connecting roads between regions, school buildings, to housing and flats. Everything is made so that the people on Earth of Cendrawasih can progress. Their economy has also improved due to easier road access, and reduced dependence on expensive air transportation.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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