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It is believed that the Job Creation Law can support progress for MSMEs


By : Eva Kalyna Audrey )*

The Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker) is believed to be able to support progress for the business world. Where these regulations can regulate the MSME partnership system with large industries.

Secretary of the Job Creation Law Task Force, Arif Budimanta said, specifically we have been mandated that the central and regional governments are obliged to facilitate, support, stimulate the activities of medium and large businesses with cooperative businesses, micro and small businesses with the aim of increasing business level competence.

       In practice, Economist from the University of Indonesia Nining Soesila Indrayana said, large industries usually get access to goods and markets that are much larger than MSME players.

       Therefore, a partnership or cooperation is needed between large industries and MSME players so that they can both get a balanced portion.

       In the Job Creation Law, it is explained that one of the government’s tasks is to bridge partnerships between MSMEs and large industries. In order to make this happen, the government then regulated a regulation regarding this business partnership in the Job Creation Law.

       The partnership covers various aspects, such as skills transfer in production and processing, marketing, capital, human resources, to technology.

       Nining said, Talking about the Job Creation Law, we are talking about how to create jobs. Talking about jobs, there are factors of production, such as technology, flying hours and an entrepreneurial mentality.

       It is hoped that this partnership can become the government’s main performance indicator index (KPI) in thematic bureaucratic reform.    

       Among them are the government’s efforts to eradicate poverty, control inflation, and reduce stunting rates.

       Meanwhile, Tina Talisa, Chairperson of the Work Creation Law Task Force on the Synergy of Substance Socialization Task Force, explained that the Job Creation Law has benefits and convenience for MSME actors. One of them is that MSMEs only need a single permit called a Business Identification Number (NIB). 

       Tina explained, business actors only need to register via Online Single Submission (OSS), both for individual businesses and those with business entities.

       So currently the government is making NIB the upstream for other permits so that the public has awareness that this NIB can create business opportunities.

       Tina explained that the government is currently focusing on micro and small businesses by providing convenience through simplification of permits for business actors, so those who have several business fields only need one NIB.

       For example, for an individual business type, NIB registration only requires an electronic KTP. Meanwhile, NPWP can be filled later or later. This is because NIB will be given based on business scale, business risk, and type of business.

       Individual businesses only need an electronic KTP because the upstream data comes from the Dukcapil Ministry of Home Affairs.

       This business is also not required to have an NPWP and can be submitted at a later date, so this does not hinder the process of issuing an NIB.

       The other purpose of the NIB which is registered through Online Single Submission (OSS) is to provide convenience to everyone.

       Moreover, NIB takes care of it through a system that aims so that everyone can process it anywhere, at any time, no need to come anywhere.

       Meanwhile Edy Priyono as Head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Team for the Job Creation Law at the Office of the President’s Staff considers that the Kemenkop UKM has succeeded in pushing for the implementation of PP No 7/2021 concerning facilitation, protection and empowerment of Cooperatives and MSMEs which is one of the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law.

       He said that the implementation of the Job Creation Law had provided great support for MSMEs from upstream to downstream. Such as issues of capital, licensing, partnerships, certification, marketing to facilitation.

       Through the Job Creation Law, MSME actors also receive counseling and legal assistance. This is evidenced by legal counseling activities for micro-enterprises in 15 provinces and attended by 600 micro/small business actors. On the other hand the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises has also provided legal assistance to 18 micro businesses by Advocates and LBH.

       Regarding the mandate of PP No 7/2021 regarding the provision of promotional space facilities for MSMEs in public infrastructure, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises has also encouraged micro/small business partnerships with terminal managers through plans to sign an MoU with the Ministry of PUPR and the Ministry of BUMN.

       In addition, the government is also proactive in efforts to increase the competence of human resources for MSME actors, the government is proactive in providing training on various topics. Such as vocational, e- commerce  financial management and competency-based training for micro-enterprises .

       We cannot close our eyes that MSMEs have an important position in the national economic cycle. SMEs have actually been able to contribute to the Gross Domestic Product by 60%.

       The Job Creation Law has become a formulation for the rise of MSMEs, by advancing MSMEs, of course, it does not only improve the people’s economy, but also contributes to improving the national economy.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cross Nusamedia Institute

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