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Papua Development Acceleration for Economic Growth


By :  Alfred Jigibalom )*

The government accelerates development in Papua. Not only in the infrastructure sector, but also the development of human resources (HR). With the increase in human resources, it will also have a positive effect on the economic sector because with a good education, people will get good jobs and higher incomes.

Papua’s economic growth continues to increase. This is very good because it shows the success of the accelerated development program, to increase the economic sector in Cendrawasih Earth. There are no more gaps between Papua and other regions in Indonesia.

Papua as the easternmost region in Indonesia has various potentials that can increase the Regional Budget, such as tourism, agricultural products, and mining products. The wealth of natural resources on Cendrawasih Land is managed very well so that it can prosper the people. The central government also supports infrastructure development so that people’s mobility and projects run well.

Margo Yuwono, Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that Papua’s economic growth continues to increase, even to the highest in 2021. That year the increase in growth was 10.9%, which came from nickel ore mining, silver, gold and copper ore. 

Margo added, during the COVID-19 pandemic, in general, Papua’s economy was still able to grow positively. In the first quarter of 2022, Papua Province was still able to grow positively by 13.33 percent, because it was supported by increased growth in the mining and quarrying sector of 25.16 percent. 

In a sense, the people in Papua are increasingly prosperous thanks to economic growth which always increases every year. This is an achievement because during the New Order era (about 30 years ago) there was a negative stigma that the Cendrawasih Land was still far behind from Java, because there was a centralized system which resulted in an uneven distribution of modernity.

However, during the reform era and continuing until the reign of President Jokowi, the system was changed to decentralization and development was evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, including in Papua. President Jokowi himself is very concerned  about Papua and building various infrastructures for the betterment of his people. So that the Earth Cendrawasih region is increasingly advanced.

The increase in economic growth from the mining sector is also the result of the government’s hard work in acquiring a majority stake in a copper mining company in Papua. So if there are mining materials such as copper and gold that are dredged, the proceeds automatically belong to the Indonesian government, and the majority is given to the regional government of Papua. 

If the people are increasingly prosperous thanks to the mining products in Papua, then there will be no longer the term ‘like a dead chicken in a rice barn’ because they can enjoy the mining products. Not in the form of precious metals but in the form of development, the capital of which comes from the distribution of mining products to the regional governments of Papua and West Papua.

Meanwhile, Margo Yuwono added, growth also occurred thanks to infrastructure development established by the government. In a sense, infrastructure development also affects economic growth because if there are roads, bridges and other facilities, people’s mobility will be faster.

If mobility is faster thanks to good roads (for example the Trans Papua road) it will save money because people choose to send goods and travel by road. They are slowly leaving transportation via airplanes which costs much more. The longer the trans Papua road, the more people will benefit because the shipping costs are lower so that the prices of goods can be lowered.

Economic development is also carried out in the field of education. The government regulates 30% of the special autonomy budget so that school facilities and infrastructure are properly regulated. There is also an equal distribution of facilities in schools throughout the Papua region. So, children on Cendrawasih Earth are guaranteed to get a proper education, for their future.

In development in the field of education, the government will create an international school. The goal is that Papuan children can study in a good place and become smarter. When they are smart, they will become future government employees or Papuan leaders.

Then, development in the field of education was also carried out by providing special autonomy scholarship funds. Scholarships are given not only to elementary school students, but also middle and high school students. They excel and deserve scholarships so they can go to school for free.

Not only for students, special autonomy scholarships are also given to students. They can study not only in Papua, but also other campuses in Java and other regions. Even bright students are also entitled to receive scholarships to study abroad, both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Development in the field of education took place after the new autonomous region (DOB) was established. If there is a new province, there will automatically be a new school, making it easier for students to study. Meanwhile, young people can be taught skills so they can open their own businesses and reduce the number of unemployed.

The acceleration of Papua’s development is carried out in various fields, not only infrastructure but also education. The main goal of development on Cendrawasih Land is economic growth in Papua. When people’s mobility improves, thanks to good infrastructure, their financial condition will automatically improve too.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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