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Papua Development Supported by the People


By : Veronica Lokbere )*

The development of Papua is fully supported by the people of Cendrawasih Earth. They are grateful to President Jokowi’s government because Papua continues to be developed, especially its infrastructure. With this infrastructure, in addition to facilitating the mobility of people, it also boosts their economy.

Papua is an increasingly developed eastern region of Indonesia. Evidenced by the many infrastructure built by the government. This development is carried out massively, for the welfare of the people. The goal is for the equality of modernity throughout Indonesia.

The Papuan people continue to support development in their territory. Moreover, the government continues to make efforts to accelerate development in all regions on Cendrawasih Earth. This seriousness can be seen from the draft of various regulations related to this program, including the Presidential Regulation concerning the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of the Development of Special Autonomy in Papua (BP3OKP) and the Presidential Decree concerning the Master Plan for the Acceleration of the Development of Special Autonomy in Papua (RIPPP). 

Therefore, for the acceleration program to be successful, in addition to regulations, cooperation from various parties is also needed, including the West Papua People’s Council (MRPB), so that the legal basis that has been issued can be properly implemented in the field.

Deputy President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that accelerating the development of Papua, including in West Papua, needs optimal support from all parties. He asked the West Papua People’s Assembly to participate in overseeing the implementation of the accelerated development of Papua.

The Vice President further conveyed that MRPB as an organization consisting of representatives of Indigenous Papuans (OAP) consisting of elements of custom, religion and women, was asked to consistently socialize government policies that had been designed to all levels of society.

The central government provides an opportunity to obtain information or aspirations from the public apart from regional, provincial and district governments. The MRPB as the people’s representative is also obliged to continue to socialize affirmative policies that have been designed for the welfare of the people of Papua and West Papua.

Alex Doga, a veteran figure from Jayawijaya, Papua, expressed his support for the implementation of accelerated development in Papua. He represents all the people on Cendrawasih Earth, from youth, religious leaders, to community leaders and women. They continue to approve government programs, including accelerated development.

Alex is also grateful for the development in Papua. His gratitude goes to the regional government of Papua, the central government, and all employees who carry out development on Cendrawasih Earth. 

In a sense, the community agrees with the acceleration of development in Papua because the results of this program are clearly visible, namely progress in various fields. Starting from infrastructure, health, to education, everything continues to be advanced by the government.

One way to accelerate development is through special autonomy (Otsus). During the 20 years of Special Autonomy volume 1, the government has built a lot. Starting from the Trans Papua Road, Sentani International Airport, Youtefa Bridge, to the Bangkit Papua Stadium. Development is not only in infrastructure supporting mobility, but also sports facilities. The goal is for the Papuan people to be healthier.

In addition, special autonomy has provided scholarships to all Papuan children. So they can go to school from elementary to high school, and tertiary institutions for those who pass the selection. On average they study in Java and after graduating serve the Papua Provincial Government, schools or other agencies, as a form of return. It also educates the children of Cendrawasih Earth, so that there is a regeneration of future leaders.

The special autonomy scholarship has brought Billy Mambrasar to study and now he is a member of the President’s special staff. The achievements achieved at a young age made him an example, that the special autonomy scholarship recipients can also be successful in the capital. With notes, must study diligently and always curious, and have  a good attitude  .

Meanwhile, MRPB Chairperson Maxsi Nelson Ahoren conveyed MRPB aspirations and input to the Vice President regarding efforts to accelerate welfare development in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua. The aspirations conveyed cover the fields of Human Resources, (HR), budget, politics, and security.

Maxsi’s aspirations as a representative of the Papuan people were well received by the vice president as the government’s representative. He guaranteed security by establishing various Polsek and Polres, especially in new provinces in Papua. Then, to improve human resources, the Special Autonomy scholarship will continue to be given, so that Papuan children who excel can go to school and study free of charge.

With various accelerated development programs carried out by the government, it shows that Papua is very special. The government wants equal distribution of progress from Sabang to Merauke. People in Cendrawasih Land are also Indonesian citizens, so they have the right to development and modernity, just like residents in other regions.

The Papuan people fully support development on Cendrawasih Earth. They are aware that President Jokowi’s government really loves Papua and is building various infrastructures, for the sake of common progress. Residents of Cendrawasih Earth always support various government programs, including Special Autonomy, so that the human resources and natural resources there are more advanced. 

) *The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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