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Papua new autonomous region Presents Equitable Community Welfare


By : Rebecca Marian )*

The Papuan people have experienced an equal distribution of prosperity since the presence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) which was inaugurated on November 11 2022 by the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian from various sectors. This aims to encourage the growth of existing resources, both natural resources and human resources in quality and quantity.

The presence of regional development and equity has increased growth in the Eastern Region of Indonesia which is higher, how could it not be the case with the expansion, of course there are many public services that can also be enjoyed by the local community.

As is known, Papua is an eastern region of Indonesia which has a lot of great natural wealth, but unfortunately it only contributes 20 percent of Indonesia’s economic growth.

In this case, the Indonesian government does not remain silent because to create justice and prosperity, equal distribution efforts are needed, one of which is through the New Autonomous Region (DOB) and ongoing development.

For this reason, as a manifestation of the presence of the division of Papua, it is hoped that it will be able to compete on a national food basis and become a natural resource-based economic sector. The reason is, with this extraordinary wealth, the people of Papua need to be supported through various sectors.

The government is very supportive of the development of public service infrastructure such as physical connectivity, namely roads, bridges, airports and seaports so that the Papuan economic chain can run smoothly.

The government has been relentless in distributing development in various regions, especially in Cendrawasih Land to overcome the problem of social inequality and create equitable and fair economic growth.

Not only from the economic sector, the distribution of the Papua region also touches on the construction of a Christian study center or Christian Center which is supported by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Religion Yaqut Qolil Qoumas, and Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono.

The three conveyed to Vice President (Wapres) Ma’ruf Amin regarding the construction of Christian study centers and educational institutions in Atambua.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar emphasized that the inauguration of the four provinces of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua would actually accelerate the distribution of development and peace in Papua, so that people’s welfare could be guaranteed.

Regarding the division of Papua, Abdul Halim also hopes that with the existence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) there will be no more conflicts such as disputes over territory between the highland peoples and the coastal communities of Papua.

As stated in Pancasila in the 5th precept which reads ‘Social Justice for All Indonesian People’ the division of Papua which forms four new provinces is one form of manifestation of the Government’s attention to the people of the Eastern Region to create a prosperous society.

The Acting Mayor of Jayapura, Frans Rekey, agrees that it is true that the division makes it clearer from the point of view of the location and responsibilities of each region. In fact, he is grateful because he has experienced assistance to the village fund assistance.

Meanwhile, it can be seen from the education sector that the Provincial Government of Papua has been asked to maintain and be responsible for the education affirmation policy program. As in the Regional Working Meeting (Rakerda), Wamendagri Wempi instructed the Governor of Papua and the Acting Governors of the three new autonomous regions to pay attention to education.

He also asked the Acting Governors of the three new autonomous regions resulting from the division of Papua to participate in financing their children starting from 2023 until the following years.

Furthermore, he also ensured that children who study at home and abroad can return to lead the land of Papua so that it becomes better and moves forward in the future.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of Papua Muhammad Ridwan Ruusukun through the Rakerda and Musrenbang of the three new autonomous regions can take advantage of the forum to improve people’s welfare so that it will be even better from time to time.

Currently, one of the regions of the New Autonomous Region (DOB), namely Central Papua Province, has an official logo which was recently approved by Acting Governor Dr. Rebekah Haluk, S.Sos., MM before the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian.

         According to Ribka, of the four New Autonomous Regions (DOB) of Papua, Central Papua Province is the first province that already has a logo and will be installed in the 35th province.

In line with the existence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) ahead of the election, the General Election Commission (KPU) determined the Summary of the Temporary Voter List (DPS) for Central Papua Province for 8 districts, DPS for Papua Mountains Province for 8 districts, and DPS for South Papua Province for 4 districts.

The recapitulation of DPS in the 3 New Autonomous Regions (DOB) of Papua, led directly by the Indonesian KPU on representatives from Mochammad Affifudin, Betty Epsilon Idroos and Yulianto Sudrajat, aims to update voter data and make it easier for voters to come to TPS.

The presence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) gave a positive impression for Cendrawasih Earth because the realization of equity and just welfare was felt by the people from various sectors ranging from the economy, education, religion, and so on from the Government of Indonesia for the Land of Papua.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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