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Papuan Infrastructure Development to Realize Indonesiacentric


By : Rebecca Marian )*

The government is building infrastructure in Papua, from roads to bridges. Infrastructure development has good aims, one of which is to realize Indonesia-centric. In a sense, there is an even distribution of development throughout Indonesia, not only in Java and its surroundings.

During President Jokowi’s administration, Papua was continuously being developed, especially in the infrastructure sector. He really cares about the people of Cendrawasih Earth and wants them to be even better. Papua has a lot of potential, both natural resources and human resources, and the government wants the region to be more developed with this potential.

President Jokowi said that currently the government has completed the construction of a number of infrastructures in the Land of Papua such as roads, bridges, airports, to state border crossing posts (PLBN). The Land of Papua is the government’s priority in realizing Indonesia-centric development. Indonesia’s development now is not Java-centric but Indonesia-centric.

The government has built the 3,462-kilometer Trans Papua Road, 1,098-kilometer border roads and the 1.3-kilometer Youtefa Bridge in Jayapura. Then, Domine Eduard Osok Airport in Sorong also had its terminal repaired, an airport in Wamena was built, Jayawijaya. 

There are also cross-border developments in three locations, in Skouw, then in Sota, finally in Yetetkun, in Boven Digoel. Everything has been completed construction by the government.

In a sense, Papua’s infrastructure development is very good for realizing Indonesia-centric. This country stretches from Sabang to Merauke. Development in Papua must also be carried out rapidly, because Papua is also part of Indonesia.

The government is indeed active in advancing Papua and making it a priority. Now the results are visible. There are various infrastructure developments such as the Trans Papua Road, Sentani International Airport, and the Youtefa Bridge. The existence of this infrastructure facilitates the transportation of Papuan civilians, so that they can move between cities smoothly.

The government also wants Papua to progress by building roads, bridges and other infrastructure. Considering that Papua’s geographical condition is far different from other islands (has more hills, forests and mountains), infrastructure development is a priority for the government. Its main function is to facilitate people’s mobility, so that they can move smoothly and develop their economy.

So far, transportation problems have been hindered by Papua’s natural conditions, so inevitably we have to use planes to transport goods and people. When transportation is launched by the Trans Papua Road, the price of goods can be reduced because the cost of transportation is cheap. People are relieved because they don’t have to buy expensive things.

People who see development in Papua need not worry, because it is guaranteed not to damage the natural resources there. Nothing was sacrificed, because the acceleration team would have consulted with environmental agencies beforehand. Moreover, in Papua there are protected animals such as the cassowary and bird of paradise, so development will not destroy their habitat.

Equitable development must be carried out because progress should not only be in Java or Java-centric. However, development must be Indonesia-centric because all provinces in this country must be promoted. Papua must also be developed so that it is not inferior to Java or other islands.

Equality must be done so that this country continues to progress. Imagine if only Java was built, the people who live there would progress. Even though the Papuan people also have great potential. Therefore they can progress when there is an even distribution of development.

Meanwhile, development in Papua does need to be increased so that it is evenly distributed. So, not only big cities like Jayapura or Merauke have good infrastructure. But also other areas such as Nabire, Yahukimo, Intan Jaya, Mimika, etc. With this equity, Indonesia-centric development in Papua will be realized.

The development needed by the community is not only in the form of roads and bridges, but also school buildings. If there is a new province, new school buildings will be built, starting from kindergarten to high school. Papuan children can go to school there and do not have to go to another city because there is no SMA or SMK in their area.

Therefore, the community is very grateful because the government has carried out rapid and Indonesia-centric infrastructure development. All residents also support development in their area. With developments in Papua, the people will be more advanced. The potential in Cendrawasih Earth, both human resources and natural resources will be increasingly explored thanks to the developments being carried out there.

Development in Papua is carried out so that there is equity in all parts of Indonesia. So, those who feel progress are not only in western Indonesia but also in eastern Indonesia. Papua continues to be developed, especially its infrastructure, so that the lives of its people will be more advanced. Infrastructure development continues so that there is an Indonesia-centric development, and there is progress from Sabang to Merauke.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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