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President Prabowo’s Economic Innovation to Drive Equitable Growth


By: Andi Mahesa)*

President Prabowo Subianto has a vision to create inclusive and equitable economic growth throughout Indonesia. As President, Prabowo Subianto has introduced various innovations and policies aimed at increasing economic growth rates and ensuring that the economic benefits can be felt by all levels of society. 

Indonesia has enormous economic potential. However, in recent decades, economic inequality in various sectors and regions has remained a crucial problem. The Indonesian economy, despite growing at a significant rate, still faces major challenges in terms of equity. So in this context, President Prabowo’s vision is very relevant.

Member of the Budget Agency (Banggar) of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sukamta, said that the  Prabowonomics policy  proposed by President Prabowo Subianto to increase economic growth by 8 percent is a bold and visionary step. According to Sukamta, the policy is the right step to encourage higher and more equitable economic growth.

It is known that  Prabowonomics  focuses on economic development based on food sovereignty, energy, and increasing the competitiveness of the national industry.  Prabowonomics’ economic policy  targets economic growth of 8 percent and the elimination of absolute poverty with a focus on investment, exports, and the development of strategic sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology.

Sukamta said his party is optimistic that the policies implemented by President Prabowo can achieve the expected economic targets. This is because this policy can strengthen key sectors that ultimately improve the welfare of all Indonesian people.

Then, there are several strong aspects of  Prabowonomics policies  that are believed to be able to strengthen the future of the Indonesian economy. One of them is the strong collaboration between the government and the private sector as a strategic step that allows various sectors to develop faster. This collaboration not only accelerates infrastructure development, but also strengthens the business ecosystem throughout Indonesia, from big cities to remote villages.

According to Sukamta, the second aspect is the encouragement of increased investment, especially from the private sector and foreign investors. According to him, the strategy of increasing investment in  Prabowonomics , especially from the private sector and foreign investors, shows the government’s commitment to creating a conducive business climate.

Sukamta said that it is important for all parties to support President Prabowo’s government programs so that the economic growth target of 8 percent can be achieved. Economic growth of 8 percent will mark a new era of Indonesia’s economic revival, with stronger competitiveness in the global market so that economic equality can be realized.

Furthermore, Sukamta said that  Prabowonomics’ policy  to eradicate absolute poverty is also a new hope for society and the business world. He considered that this effort shows the government’s commitment to not leaving anyone behind, especially the poor.

President Prabowo is targeting economic equality throughout Indonesia and  zero poverty  (0 percent poverty rate) by 2045 and economic growth of 8% in the next five years. This target is the main reference in national economic policy which requires a mature, measurable, and inclusive strategy. The current good condition of the Indonesian economy, with economic growth in the second quarter of 2024 of 5.05% and controlled inflation at 2.12% year-on-year, makes the opportunity to achieve this target very large.

Considering that Indonesia’s trade balance has been in surplus for more than four years, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhuri, reminded us that it is important to explore new sectors that can support the diversification of Indonesian exports while encouraging increased competitiveness of national products in the global market. This will be related to increased investment and how economic policies can facilitate greater investment flows.

According to him, one of the sectors that can be boosted  is agriculture. This is because agricultural development contributes to regional development, both directly and indirectly in supporting economic growth through its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In fact, empirical research has shown that productivity growth in the agricultural sector can reduce poverty in remote areas.

Furthermore, senior economist of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), Dradjad Wibowo said that the economic instruments of the Prabowo-Gibran Government in the upcoming policy package remain  prudent  and focused on an inclusive economic path that empowers all sectors. The noble intention of pursuing economic growth with a fair and equitable inclusive economy must be followed by the government’s persuasive ability and support from all components of the nation.

The economic innovation initiated by President Prabowo Subianto has a very good goal, namely to encourage equitable economic growth throughout Indonesia. Through a focus on infrastructure development, empowerment of natural and human resources, economic diversification, and strengthening of MSMEs, President Prabowo is trying to realize the vision of a more prosperous and equitable Indonesia. For this, synergy is needed between the government, private sector, and society to create an inclusive and sustainable economic ecosystem. With these steps, it is hoped that Indonesia can move towards a brighter future with an economy that grows fairly and equitably.

)* The author is a student who lives in Jakarta.

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