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Fishermen Welfare Increases is a Proof of Government’s Success


Various forms of campaigns in mosques such as the installation of political banners or campaigns wrapped in sermons, then this is a form of coup against the house of God.

The mosque will lose its shade if the content of the sermon is interfered with by appealing to public opinion and hate speech. Pilgrims returning from the mosque bring a hardened heart. The bath was empty, only his forehead was burnt.

Somehow the mosque must return to being a sacred place and sterile dam of various practical political interests. This is because pilgrims in the mosque come from various groups of Muslims, not only partisans and supporters of certain political parties or candidates.

Returning a mosque to a place of pure worship is a great work of Muslims today. Let politicians fight in the field. Don’t let mosques become the realm of political battle. Refusing the politicization of mosques is a concrete step to save the mosque from votes.

All forms of political campaigns in places of worship such as mosques are things that are contrary to regulations that have been decided by the KPU which prohibit campaigns in places of worship, educational facilities and government facilities.

) * The author is a political observer

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