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Government Continues to Optimize Online Gambling


By: Mika Princess Larasati)*

The government continues to work optimally to eradicate online gambling, given its destructive impact on society. The Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) has blocked access to 2.7 million online gambling content by July 30, 2024, demonstrating the government’s commitment to combating this illegal practice.
This effort needs the full support of the entire element of the public, because the success of the elimination of online gambling is not only the responsibility of the government, but also involves the active role of citizens who care about the future of the nation. It shows that the government does not remain silent in the face of this problem, but continues to move actively to keep the Indonesian cyber world clean of content that undermines the ethics of the nation.
As the Minister of Communications and Informatics, Budi Arie Setiadi, has said, the elimination of online gambling should be done in a concrete way, not just a speech that goes by. Let’s also reaffirm that this eradication must not just be a gimmick, but must have a real impact on society.
In addition to discontinuing access to online gambling sites, Kemenkominfo also found about 7,000 e-wallet accounts associated with on-line gambling activities. It shows that the government is focusing not only on blocking access, but also on closing the sources of funding that support such illegal activities.
Not only that, Kemenkominfo also managed to identify more than 20,000 keywords related to online gambling on various online platforms, such as Google and Meta. In this effort, the government has shown a strong determination not to give the slightest room for online gambling to grow in Indonesia.
In the face of this challenge, the government has also taken proactive measures to prevent the occurrence of suspicious transactions through pulse transfer. By limiting pulse transfers to Rs 1 million per day, Kemenkominfo is trying to reduce the possibility of the use of pulse as a transaction tool in online gambling. It is proof that the government is serious about addressing this issue from a variety of points of view, not only from the point of access to information but also from the side of financial transactions.
In a broader context, the eradication of online gambling is not only a responsibility of Kemenkominfo, but also requires synergies between the various parties. Didik Mukrianto, Member of the Third Parliamentary Commission, stressed the importance of cooperation between law enforcement agencies, the public, the government, as well as institutions such as the Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Centre (PPATK) and Kemenkominfo in the fight against online gambling.
According to him, the online gambling movement in Indonesia is already so massive, that it is impossible for its elimination to be handed over to just one institution. Strong synergies between all the parties involved will increase the effectiveness of rebellion efforts, and ensure that the action taken can reach the entire layer of society, from the beginning to the end.
Additionally, Didik also stressed that law enforcement authorities must be rigorous in dealing with online gambling cases, especially if there are any state institutions involved. If not handled properly, the problem of online gambling in Indonesia can undermine the social and economic order of the people.
Another MP, Daniel Johan, also gave a similar view by stressing the importance of the rigour of law enforcement in eradicating online gambling.

If online gambling is allowed to continue to flourish, Indonesia could face a gloomy future, especially for young people who are the main victims of this illegal practice. He also added that this disarmament should be directly under the president’s control, to ensure clear performance targets and effective implementation.
Faced with the huge challenge of online gambling, the Indonesian government has already shown a serious commitment to a series of concrete measures, ranging from blocking content, restricting pulse transfer to law enforcement against perpetrators.
However, to maximum results, synergies between various parties, including governments, law enforcement agencies, communities, and related institutions, are essential. Public awareness and active participation are also key to addressing these problems effectively.
Let us all play an active part in the fight against online gambling by reporting relevant information and supporting the policies implemented. Only through solid collaboration can we ensure that Indonesia is free from the negative influence of online gambling and create a safer digital environment for all.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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