Governor of Central Kalimantan Asked to President to decrease the Prices of Common Good in Central Kalimantan

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Acting Governor (PJ) of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng), Hadi Prabowo, sent a letter to the President Indonesia, Jokowi. The letter was sent by the Governing Team of the regional Inflation (TPID) Central Kalimantan Province. The letter contained a request for logistical support and subsidies on the price of basic commodities to the handling and rehabilitation society after the smog disaster which has been about three months ago.
The letter sent because Central Kalimantan still in emergency response status of smog disaster. “In his letter, Mr. Governor asked for help related societal needs among people, such as the addition of rice for poor people (raskin), side dishes in the form of canned, a decrease in the price of fuel (BBM) and the price of LPG 3 kilo grams,” sayd Syahrin Daulay, Assistant II Setda Kalteng, like quote in Borneo News, Tuesday (3/11/2015).
In addition, the Governor of Central Kalimantan requested to the Central Government do not raise electric base rate (TDL). ” In fact, if able, even (TDL) lowered, “Said Syahrin who is also Vice Chairman of the TPID.
He explained, the impact of smog has made community economic hardship. ” The fulfilment of the requested Mr. Governor it will greatly help the lower community economy and can split his earnings to a range of basic commodities, “he said.
Meanwhile, Minister of environment and forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, reveal, on October 24, 2015, President of Indonesia, Jokowi issued a presidential instruction (presidential instruction) number 11/2015. The contents of the associated increase control of forest and land fire (karhutla).
Presidential instruction ordered the head of the region provides funds specifically for the activities of prevention, suppression, and handling or recovery after disaster of smog which in the dry season this year cause disastrous smoke in Kalimantan and Sumatra.