By: Fuad *)
Kalimantan Tengah – Transmigration is one of way which government did for decrease the rush in big island, such as Java. The people transmigrate from java to other island in Indonesia, such as Kalimantan.
Sukamara, Kalimantan Tengah is one of the transmigration destinations. They start new live here, beginning from live, job, etc.
They usually do like they do in Java. They plant various plants in their new area.
Like farmer in SP 1 Pulau Nibung in Sukamara. They plant rice.
Farmer in the transmigrate location, SP 1 Pulau Nibung prepared to conduct rice great harvest. It was said by musbah, head of farmers’ group Desa Pulau Nibung, Sukamara.
He suspects on next march, farmer will get rice great harvest.
“Approximation, they plan it only 3 month. Now, we are preparing for great harvest,” said musbah like published on Kalteng Pos, Wednesday (4/2/2015).
Musba explained, the people of SP 1 Pulau Nibung must get guidance and management from Distanak (department of agriculture and farm) Sukamara in order potential of transmigration area can be manage properly and source own revenue for agriculture on Sukamara.
“if the transmigrate citizen is not guidance and let them go, they will effort without government help, it was a big loss for Sukamara, it was because they are mastery of faming technique, we can see, they only need two years for change the land condition become productive,” explained Musba.
One of the famer, Sutimen is a people of SP 1 Pulau Nibung, he explain that most of the transmigrate people, they prefer plant use wetlands, it was because they are usual with the condition like in Java.
*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributors