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It is believed that the AIS Forum will accommodate marine spatial planning regulations


Bali – Intensive preparations have begun in Indonesia to host the Archipelagic and Islands States (AIS) Forum 2023 Summit (AIS Forum), an important event that will attract world attention. The 2023 AIS Forum Summit is scheduled to be held on the island of Bali, Indonesia, and will be an important moment for Indonesia to play its role and influence on the world’s archipelagic countries.

With the theme “Fostering Collaboration, Advancing Innovation for the Ocean and a Shared Future,” Indonesia strives to be an example for AIS Forum members in promoting cooperation that has a positive impact on other archipelagic countries.

Chairman of Commission B DPRD DKI Jakarta, Ismail, believes in the potential realized from this forum, such as how to finalize marine spatial planning regulations.

“Readiness in terms of regulations regarding marine spatial management is no less important, so that there are no misguided and haphazard explorations, as are the regulations for optimizing economic potential and spatial planning on land,” he said.

Ismail explained that this regulation is a consideration for foreign countries to be able to obtain security and comfort when investing in the marine sector.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security (KPKP) Service, Suharini Eliawati, is optimistic that the AIS Forum will produce an agreement that will lead to improvements in the quality of coastal and marine ecosystems.

“With an agreement at regional and global levels, it can help improve the quality of coastal and marine ecosystems, especially from marine pollution by plastic waste,” explained Suharini.

Suharini reminded that pollution in the sea does not only come from one location but also comes from various regions in the world because the sea is connected to various countries.

“Therefore, handling plastic waste in coastal areas is important and needs to be implemented immediately,” said Suharini.

A number of heads of state have been confirmed to be attending the 2023 AIS Forum Summit in Bali. The presence of these leaders will add weight and significance to the event. Heads of state confirmed to attend include the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping; President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin; President of India, Narendra Modi; South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa; Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari; and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

The presence of a number of world leaders will provide an opportunity for Indonesia to strengthen bilateral relations with these countries and promote closer cooperation between maritime countries.

Indonesia hopes to play an important role in supporting international efforts to overcome global challenges, especially the world’s island countries.

As the host of the 2023 AIS Forum Summit, Indonesia has committed to holding this event successfully and ensuring that all participants feel welcome. Intensive preparations include improving Bali’s infrastructure, security, accommodation and other facilities to ensure the smooth running of the event.

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