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Kyai Ma’ruf, The Guardian of the Islamic Archipelago


Author: Angga Budi Pratama *


KH Ma’ruf Amin is widely known by the community as a charismatic cleric. Devotees who are obedient, tolerant, and when becoming the chair of the MUI provide good policies for the Ummah. He is also an academic in the field of Islamic economics. His thoughts were applied in the body of NU and the entire Muslim community. This is evidenced by KH Ma’ruf Amin’s thoughts on three important pillars or pillars in Nusantara Islam. First, thinking (fikrah); second, movement (harakah); and third, real actions (amaliyyah / amaliah).

The first pillar, thought, includes moderate ways of thinking (tawassuth). That is, Nusantara Islam is in a non-textual position, but also not liberal. The intended textualist is thinking rigidly on the text (al-jumûd al-manqûlãt) as happened in the Wahhabis in understanding the texts of the Qur’an. Nusantara Islamic Reformation is reformation towards a better and continuous stage. So, the position of Islam Nusantara is not only taking good things (al-akhdh bi al-jadid al-aslah), because the term take is passive, but also innovates, creates the best and best. One of the statements of Imam al-Qarafi, an expert scholar of fiqh proposal, states if “al-jumûd ‘alã al-manqûlãt abadan dalãl fi al-din wa jahl bi maqasidihi”, a reading that is static (without interpretation) interpretation of things that are postulated -dalil which is forever an error in religion and ignorance about religious purposes. Liberal is meant to be a free way of thinking without regard to the methodology agreed upon among scholars.

The second pillar is movement. That is, the spirit that controls the Islam of the archipelago is aimed at improvements. The task of Nusantara Islam is to make improvements (reform) for jamiah (associations) and congregations (citizens) that are not only based on tradition, but also innovation. Nusantara Islamic Reformation is reformation towards a better and continuous stage. So, the position of Islam Nusantara is not only taking good things (al-akhdh bi al-jadid al-aslah), because the term take is passive, but also innovates, creates the best and best. The process is continuous. Innovation is not enough, it must also be accompanied by an active and criticism attitude.

US investigative journalist Allan Nairn also imagined that Prabowo Subianto would be very dangerous for human rights activists, journalists, laborers, poor people who tried to reject violations committed by officials, police, and thugs, if they were to become President of the Republic of Indonesia. . Allan Nairn considered Prabowo lying about his role in mass murder. He does not support the idea that anyone who kills must be brought to justice. Allan said he had to publish because Prabowo might be a very dangerous president, because Prabowo was the worst violator of human rights in Indonesia’s contemporary history. Seeing Prabowo’s international social action, Indonesia’s and foreign relations are feared to worsen. In 2000, Prabowo Subianto was banned from entering the United States for human rights violations. Prabowo Subianto’s past track record as a human rights criminal by the international world cannot be forgotten simply because it is a history inherent in him.

It is very fatal if Prabowo Subianto becomes the President of the Republic of Indonesia because the Indonesian people are not smart enough in choosing which leader is good for this nation. They don’t even have enough imagination to understand how it feels to live under authoritarian leadership. Democracy is at stake and this nation will return to a bleak period. There is nothing more dangerous for the NKRI than having fascist leaders, power hungry and violators of human rights.

(Ahmad Abdullah – FISIP Student at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta)

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