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⁠Appreciating Apkam’s Performance in Securing Christmas Celebration 2024


JAKARTA — Security forces continue to demonstrate a high level of commitment to ensuring the smooth running and comfort of Christmas celebrations throughout Indonesia.

Intensive security is being implemented to ensure that Christians can carry out their worship safely and solemnly, as expressed by various related officials.

Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Budi Gunawan, ensured that the national security situation during Christmas was monitored as conducive.

After conducting checks at various points, he emphasized that the joint post formed by the TNI, Polri, and other agencies worked optimally to ensure public security.

“Alhamdulillah, from the results of field checks, in general the national situation is monitored as conducive,” said Budi,

He added that comprehensive security had been implemented in churches, crowded centers, and transportation routes.

Budi also appealed to the public to remain vigilant and immediately report if they need assistance.

According to him, the hard work of the authorities is a real manifestation of synergy in maintaining the comfort of Christmas worship.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo also showed high dedication by securing Christmas Eve mass, including at the Jakarta Cathedral Church.

During his visit with high-ranking officials, he ensured that the entire security series, from sterilization to the implementation of SOPs, were running well.

“The congregation can feel safe and joyful in carrying out worship because the TNI, Polri, and related stakeholders guard and secure the entire series,” said the Chief of Police.

The government is also committed to ensuring security during the Christmas holidays.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Pratikno, appreciated the hard work of the authorities in serving the community.

While reviewing several large churches in Jakarta, he delivered a message of peace to the congregation.

“May this year’s Christmas bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to all of us. As a nation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, we will always respect each other among religious communities,” he said.

Checks at ports and tourist centers are also being carried out to ensure that the Christmas holidays run smoothly.

The synergy between security forces and various parties has succeeded in creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere, which reflects the spirit of tolerance in the country.

This year’s Christmas celebration is a real proof of the success of national security in maintaining harmony between citizens. (*)

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