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By : Rashka Pratama

In the midst of three serious economic threats in 2020, namely the prediction of sluggish economic conditions and conditions, the trade balance deficit and the balance of payments deficit, as well as in an effort to boost investment, reduce imports and accelerate exports, the government proposed 2 Draft Laws related to the Omnibus law job creation and taxation to the House of Representatives.

Omnibus law is needed to cut the overlap of regulations, so this effort needs to be supported even though the government and the House of Representatives must maintain that the Omnibus law is not a “savior” for naughty entrepreneurs, because if it happens market mistrust and society will strengthen.

Omnibus law is a law created to resolve major issues by revoking or amending several laws at once, so that it becomes simpler. The government is developing an omnibus law whose ultimate goal is to encourage national economic growth. There are three things that are targeted by the government, namely taxation laws, employment creation, and empowerment of micro, small and medium businesses.

In its development, President Joko Widodo has set a time limit for drafting the Omnibus Law to be completed next week or the third week of January 2020. The targeted Omnibus Law will soon be completed concerning two forms of bill (RUU), namely the Omnibus Law for employment and Omnibus Taxation law.

In its aim, the omnibus law is one of the regulations compiled by the government to improve the welfare of the people of Indonesia, so that Indonesia can become one of the countries that is considered good by the global community. Although there are still many doubts that are created, but there is no harm in us as a society supporting the good cause of the government.

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