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Law Enforcement a Priority for Prabowo Gibran Government in Eradicating Drugs


By: Amalia S. Widjaja )*

The government under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto has shown a high commitment to eradicating drugs in Indonesia. The firm and impartial approach to all actors involved, from users to drug dealers, has received wide appreciation from various parties, including figures and experts in the fields of law and social.

Executive Director of Indonesia Narcotic Watch (INW), Budi Tanjung, stated that President Prabowo’s move to zero tolerance for drug violations is a positive signal for law enforcement institutions, such as the National Police and the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). Transparency and integrity must be the basis for prosecuting anyone, including officers who are proven to be involved in drug networks. According to him, strengthening this commitment is not only needed to eradicate drugs effectively, but also to restore public trust in law enforcement institutions.

Budi also mentioned that the government has taken concrete steps to deal with the complexity of the drug problem. The involvement of various elements of society and government is the main key in creating a more integrated eradication strategy. President Prabowo emphasized that fair and firm law enforcement is the foundation for ensuring that perpetrators of drug crimes receive sanctions in accordance with the law.

A similar view from an academic and analyst, Bambang Haryanto, that the drug problem, gambling issues and judicial mafia, are serious threats to the stability and progress of Indonesia. Bambang emphasized that drug crimes must be categorized as extraordinary crimes  because  of their widespread negative impacts, including damaging the younger generation and weakening the social structure. 

In his analysis, Bambang highlighted the importance of continuing drug eradication efforts by strengthening the role of the BNN and ensuring the professionalism of law enforcement officers. The involvement of officers in drug networks, regardless of rank or position, must be dealt with firmly in order to maintain the integrity of law and justice.

The government has also formed a Drug Eradication Desk, which is one of the proofs of President Prabowo’s seriousness in handling this problem. This desk involves various stakeholders from related ministries and institutions, including the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency, and the Indonesian National Armed Forces. 

Deputy Director of Drug Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Senior Commissioner Arie Ardian Rishadi, explained that the Drug Eradication Desk has several working groups that focus on prevention, law enforcement, money laundering (TPPU), rehabilitation, and publication. Through this desk, cross-sector coordination is expected to strengthen the disclosure of drug networks, improve investigations and inquiries, and optimize rehabilitation programs for drug users.

In addition to the structural side, eradicating drugs also requires moral commitment and integrity from all elements of the nation. President Prabowo continues to emphasize that justice must be upheld without discrimination. This view has received support from various parties who believe that firmness in law enforcement is the key to ending drug crimes that have become a serious problem in Indonesia.

The importance of reform in the legal system, especially in handling cases involving state officials. The practice of judicial mafia that often hinders the legal process must be stopped so that public trust in the judicial system can be restored. In addition, the eradication of drugs in the era of President Prabowo’s administration also involves strengthening cooperation with the community. 

Education about the dangers of drugs and raising awareness of the importance of rehabilitation for drug abusers are integral parts of the government’s strategy. These programs aim to reduce the stigma against victims of drug abuse and open wider access to quality rehabilitation services.

Eradicating drugs is not only the task of law enforcement officers, but also requires active participation from all levels of society. Through strong synergy between the government, legal institutions, and society, Indonesia can build a better future free from the threat of drugs.

President Prabowo’s commitment to eradicating drugs is also part of the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045, namely an Indonesia that is advanced, just, and free from all forms of crime. The success of eradicating drugs will be one of the main indicators of achieving this vision. He believes that with a firm, integrated, and sustainable approach, Indonesia can overcome the drug problem while strengthening the foundation of fair and transparent law.

Strengthening coordination between institutions, such as through the Drug Eradication Desk, will be a significant step in combating this crime. The government’s efforts in creating a comprehensive strategy and involving various sectors to ensure maximum results are worthy of mutual appreciation.

Through clear policies and strong commitment from the government, the hope for a safer and drug-free future for Indonesia is increasingly real. Support from various parties shows that drug eradication efforts not only have broad support, but also have a strong foundation to achieve the desired results.

)* Contributor to the Reading Window Institute.

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