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Security Forces Committed to Providing Excellent Service in Papua New Guinea


By: Maria Suhiap)*

Prepare to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in their respective institutions, all relevant stakeholders including the security apparatus from the joint personnel continue to increase their strong commitment to actually be able to provide very excellent public services to the new autonomous region (DOB) of Papua.

The Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol ) Mathius D Fahiri explained that his party continues to strive for the readiness of all of its personnel. This is because there is already a plan that the security forces personnel, especially from the Indonesian National Police (Polri) will fill the Polda in as many as 3 (three) new autonomous regions in Papua.

The entire preparation of these personnel should not be something new for the Papuan Police, this is because they have also made the same preparations, namely the Papuan Police once gave birth to the West Papuan Police.

Not only strengthening and preparing the number of personnel, but there are efforts to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) from the Resort Police (Polres) personnel in the 3 (three) areas of the D OB Papua .

The Papuan Police themselves have also prepared land for the Police to carry out all their duties and provide excellent service in their respective areas. Of course, this commitment is intended so that all forms of public services provided are able to guarantee security and maintain the conduciveness of the region on Cenderawasih Earth.

With the existence of development through regional expansion which was intensified by the Indonesian Government through leadership in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) by building the Papua New Guinea. Of course this must be supported by all parties and relevant stakeholders, including the security forces.

Therefore, the Papuan Police then immediately made preparations for their personnel, by preparing for the strengthening of their human resources, including at the Polres in the new autonomous region of Bumi Cenderawasih.

The existence of the Indonesian National Police, especially the Papuan Police, cannot be separated from the role of other security forces, ranging from members of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), who continue to strengthen each other’s integration in order to create a conducive situation and also peace on Cenderawasih Earth.

Meanwhile, the Papua Provincial Government (Pemrpov) is also continuing to make efforts to improve coordination between all relevant stakeholders, starting from the TNI, Polri, BIN, religious leaders, community leaders to the indigenous community. Efforts to improve coordination aim to further strengthen security handling in the Papua New Guinea.

It cannot be denied that the existence of communication and coordination is very important to continue to do and improve the quality. This is to further support the handling of security so that it runs more effectively and optimally, without the need to cause casualties from any party if there is a conflict in Papua.

In this regard, the Governor of Papua’s Daily Acting (Plh), Muhammad Ridwan Ru Masukun, immediately held a Coordination Meeting (Rakor) together with Forkopimda Papua in Jayapura City to discuss security issues in the province.

In this case, the role of all regional heads in every district and city in Bumi Cenderawasih is something that cannot be underestimated at all. They are expected to always be present in the community to reduce the potential for security disturbances.

It doesn’t just stop there, all regional heads must also continue to be able to provide excellent public services to all people in Papua and continue to carry out development by also involving the people in their respective regions.

The involvement of the Indigenous Papuans (OAP) themselves in all forms of development on Cenderawasih Land is indeed being intensified by the Government. The reason is that with this, it will be able to make development in Papua in accordance with what the needs of the people themselves are like and adapt how customs to culture and culture in their region.

The Regency Government (Pemkab) as well as the City Government (Pemkot) need to continue to open up space for discussion and communication that is able to involve all elements of society in order to be able to absorb all public aspirations. Because with the aspirations and input from the community, in the future the development carried out will be more in line with the needs of local residents.

Excellent service throughout the Papua New Guinea area continues to be pursued and becomes a very strong commitment from various parties, starting from the Central Government , the respective Regional Governments (Pemda) to a strong commitment from all security forces and joint personnel. To be able to provide excellent service, even all stakeholders also immediately make preparations to improve the quality of human resources in their respective institutions.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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