By: Choirul Fuadi
CIDISS – Large area with dominated by rivers and swamps, making many villages in Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan province, are isolated. It’s because there is no road yet and difficult infrastructure.
Ahmad Yantenglie, Katingan Regent stated that the welfare society will be difficult to achieve if isolated area still occur on its territory. Then making good road access from the village to village or the village to district and reach regency, it is a priority development program by government.
“In theory, when we are talking about economic sectors, then there might not be prosperous if the people still isolated. Then we try to open road access, “he said as quote in Borneo News.co.id .
Ahmad Yatenglie explains some of the road construction project that is still not existed or has not yet to be passed. And all it takes a bureaucratic processes and procedures which is not easy. For that case, he asked the public to be patient and trust all the process to the local government.
One of the promising programs which have proposed by Government of Katingan, is build seaports on the Gulf of Sebangau, district of Katingan Kuala. The port development plans have been approved by the Central Government to become the port of gatherers nationwide.
The road to and from the port itself will go through the road of Hampangen-Mendawai which is now in the middle stage of development.
“In the future I hope between the river and land access can be equally running, because there must be alternatives. Because there are several modes of transport which are more effective and efficient if it is through the River, and so the road, “he said