By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS (PALANGKA RAYA) – Head of environmental assessment division in environmental agency Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan province, Yusran stated a surprised statement. According to him, many project both government and private in Palangka raya has not Permission of Environmental Impact Assessment.
Yusran stated it in the meeting with government of Palangka Raya which discussed about build of three drainages in some spots. By the three drainages, government will buy the land from people which is amount of 63,4 hectare.
In that forum, Yusran also declared that the project of government and private in Palangka Raya has not Permission Environmental Impact Assessment. Meanwhile, project such it, should have any Permission Environmental Impact Assessment which is issued by environmental agency.
“Along this time, the project such that program has not any Permission Environmental Impact Assessment at all, they never invite us to involve. In fact, the function of environmental agency is to asses and analyze a project that will build,” said Yusran as in Kaltengprokal.co
He added, why should have any Permission Environmental Impact Assessment in the project? He said, “It because the impact will happen in some years later,”
He gives example, the build of three drainages by the government of Palangka Raya, it should be analyze about the land of turf, about the depth, and etc. “We cannot do the project mistakenly, moreover we should consider about the depth of turf,” said him.
By its case, team which involve in the project of three drainages to anticipate flood, request to environmental agency assess soon the 63,4 hectare to get the Permission Environmental Impact Assessment. The environmental agency will do the assessment soon.
“We will coordinate with team, and the result will discuss in the meeting later,” said him