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Role of Media In Deradicalisation ISIS


Along with a hot issue in the presidential election dispute septemberlalu Constitutional Court, the noise appears in the middle of the community with the rampant spread of news about ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Originally ISIS action can only be seen on screen as occurred in the territory of Iraq and Syria. However, since the person’s photo ISIS protesters waving flags in the event of concern for Palestinian circulated widely on the Internet network, the public began to be aware of the existence of the organization in Indonesia, Indonesia is an Islamic majority view, so it is potentially all radical movements in the name of Islam enter easily, development and the content is very widespread movement once terliahat and exposed in various media through several discourses on ISIS movement already blaring, it continues mnyita wacanaa public attention as the Islamic world religion diatasnamakan by ISIS, including the MUI and the Indonesian government also continues to melaakukan filtration and anticipation of movement the radiakal.

The problem is of course the de-radicalization involves both parties trending religious institutions such as the MUI, the legal apparatus, the government and also msayarakat, especially legal institutions that handle permaslahan about this radical movement. Some of the anticipated spread of radical movements must to be conducted properly, look at the previous condition terrorist movement that is also the name of Islam which has made noise Indonesian nation. So in anticipation of this movement should dengancara coercive ie with some guidance to convict the terrorism case that no longer return and join the movement of a new movement, including the movement of this ISIS, kemnudian with campaigns in danger of separatist movements, terrorists, and radical, threatening self themselves and the nation. And many other things that do coercive manner. Further eroding and understand fully understanding the meaning of Jihad, because when spoke about jihad will certainly appeal to Muslims, but some understanding of the nature provokativ should we stay away, because ISIS developed Islamic doctrine of jihad method to get followers, so that when we give provocation provocative against the jihad movement is feared will lead to a radical Islamic advocacy understanding, this is very dangerous to the condition in which the ISIS using these methods to acquire and recruit members.

Deployment and development of ISIS movement starts from the rampant media berdar throughout Indonesia that shocked the entire Indonesian society, can be interpreted spread of radical understanding of this through the media, so it must also overcome the discourse in the media, ways of coercive alone will not solve the problem of radicalism to roots. In fact, any preventive measures, such as de-radicalization efforts undertaken by BNPT, are questionable effectiveness. Short-term efforts, in addition to less effective, can also affect counterproductive.

One thing you should realize is that we are in the era of war between discourse. Where discourse can only be combated by discourse. War between discourse find its peak in the era of technology, in which the flow of information moving so fast and did not recognize geographical boundaries-territorial. So fast moving information from one place to another, from one issue to another issue, leaving little time-or even none at all-for people to think, digest, and verify the correctness of the information it receives. This led to a radical ideology so easily spread and believed by most segments of society. Especially those who do not have strong reading culture, not used to verify the information, and they are disconnected from the historical roots. This means that the media is one of the most important chart in counteracting the de-radicalization movements that go to Indonesia, the media as social control agencies and institutions must be the focus of exploration discourse penanggulngan dissemination of propaganda issue ISIS movement is, in this case, both print and electronic media should contribute to taking part important to prevent and fight the wars of this discourse, the media is the biggest part in the completion of the de-radicalization movement tarsformasi era of media technology.

Radical movements such as this is relatively worrying ISIS movement and damage keharmnonisan nation, because the nation is a nation that prularis Indonesia, so individual as the de-radicalization of understanding this very threatening the unity and integrity of the earth’s Tunggal Ika, therefore adaptive response in the form of guided and understanding, then avoid discourse and also provocative towards radical movements that justify themselves, as well as provocation for jihad, especially Islamic jihad to suria. Some of anticipation and filtration is needed even more media, according current technological transformation pahgam dissemination through the media discourse, the media has the most important role and major role of the media to counter ideologies through discourse, for information, knowledge, and knowledge of current through the media tends in transfusion , therefore the print media or media elktronik as social control agencies must be able mencounter social issues through the media.

*) The author is Regional Coordinator of Student Association Propagation

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