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MMI Chairman sing National Anthem



Lajnah Tanfidziyah Majelis Mujahidin chairman Ustadz Irfan S Awwas
Lajnah Tanfidziyah Majelis Mujahidin chairman Ustadz Irfan S Awwas

Chairman of the Indonesian Mujahidin Council Irfan S. Awwas, protesters inclusion of Pancasila as the state refused to stand when the participants of the VI Congress of Muslims in Yogyakarta sing Indonesia Raya, Wednesday, February 11th, 2015.

The closing ceremony was attended by President Joko Widodo. Shortly after the show began, before the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council Din Shamsuddin, Yogyakarta Governor Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, and President Jokowi giving a speech, participants and visitors are invited to sing Indonesia Raya.

While they all stood up and helped sing the national anthem, Irfan who was wearing a black jacket did not move from his chair. He sat in the front row of the seventh and eleventh in the seat of the left side. It’s okay, no problem,” he said after the closing ceremony of the Congress.

He said sitting position while singing the national anthem better than standing. Sunnah says should sit down,” he said. Moreover, Irfan said that none of the rule that requires a person to stand while singing the national anthem. Stand while singing Indonesia Raya is a made-up attitude. There are no laws.”

Irfan accuse those who stand to sing Indonesia Raya as a traitor. That’s what makes Indonesia broken,” he said.

Earlier, in the determination of recommendation congressional hearing, he protested the inclusion of Pancasila as the state in the Proceedings of Yogyakarta. He demanded that the base be replaced with one supreme divinity basis.

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