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MUI Lebak states Ponpes has an Active Role Shatter Radicalism

source: antaranews.com

By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Lebak District KH Ahkmad Khudori stated the presence of boarding school (Ponpes) can play an active role to counteract the idea of ​​radicalism that can cause division.

KH Akhmad Khudori in Lebak, Banten, Saturday (19/08/2017) said that all Ponpes in Lebak develop Islamic religious education properly also love the homeland also prevent radical understanding that is managed salafi and modern. The presence of ponpes prints the intelligence of the nation’s children who have Islamic religious knowledge as well as the character of morality. They graduated ponpes contribute to the state by becoming Civil Servants (PNS), Police, TNI, journalists, businessmen, traders and preachers.

MUI Lebak guarantee ponpes in Lebak does not develop the idea of ​​radicalism or terrorism. Therefore, radical understanding and terrorism is prohibited by the teachings of Islam, even the act is forbidden.

The Islamic teachings in the world are the religion of “rahmatan lil alamin” by loving peace, harmony, mutual respect and tolerance amid differences of religious beliefs, ethnicity, ethnicity, culture and language. Therefore, the teachings of Islam do not teach violence or violence such as murder.

Currently, salafi ponpes prioritizes the learning of religious education values, such as Tafsir Al Quran, hadith, fiqih, Arabic, morals, aqidah and Islamic history. Likewise modern ponpes with religious teaching system combined with the application of English, Mathematics, PKN, Bahasa Indonesia, Biology, Physics and others.

KH Akhmad Khudori said that his party is convinced that there is no one who teaches radicalism or violence. According to him, MUI Lebak annually conducts guidance to the board of ponpes to develop the love of NKRI, Pancasila, Act 45 and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Therefore, the love of the homeland is pardu kipayah so that Muslims are obliged to fill the love by improving the quality of education.

Head of Section Education Diniyah and Pondok Pesantren Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) Lebak regency Asep Sunandar said, at this time, the number of ponpes in Lebak recorded 1,122 units consisting of salafi and modern managed scattered in 28 districts. All existing ponpes managers are managed by the community using the curriculum of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of National Education.

He explains, we encourage ponpes to continue to grow so that it can help increase human resources (HR) and human development index (HDI). Meanwhile, a ponpes manager in Rangkasbitung KH Badrudin admitted he founded a religious education institution because the call as a child of the nation who has the responsibility to educate the public.

Ponpes has many roles in upholding radicalism, one of the ways that the students and caregivers of ponpes continue to spread the teachings of Islam rahmatan lil alamin so that will build a high tolerance among the community. All hope with the role of boarding school in counteracting radical movements and terrorism, the value on the second principle of Pancasila that is just and civilized humanity can be applied at all levels of society. Thus created a peaceful atmosphere and mutual cooperation regardless of tribe, religion, and race of each individual, and high tolerance.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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