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Official Must Have Entrepreneurship Epirit


By Choirul Fuadi

Governor of Central Kalimantan, Sugianto Sabran motivate official in his party to have entrepreneurship spirit. According to him, not only an entrepreneur but also official must have entrepreneurship. In this case, an official hope will take an opportunity and load the fund through the region development.

Moreover, an official, especially to head of board must have charming and sensitive to get any chance such an entrepreneurship. Then, they can load fund for region development.

Besides that, governor also hopes to all head board and civil servant in Central Kalimantan provincial government will grow innovative and creative idea. It will impact to synergic strategy.

He assumes, the synergic and creativity will accelerate the region development as in vision and mission of Kalteng Berkah.
Governor gives example an ability that must have by head of board is lobbying capability to load the fund.

Sugianto states that area of Central Kalimantan province is very large, it also needs big fund. In other side, the region source income is little and unbalance.

Then, one of his programs is; to increase the region source income through many sectors.

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