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Palangka Raya Mayor monitor Foreigner

Inspection: The team's inspection of Government of Palangka Raya when cross check data of two foreign teachers who teach at the Bina Cipta Utama National Plus School, Subud Tangkiling, last Thursday (15/10/2015).
Inspection: The team’s inspection of Government of Palangka Raya when cross check data of two foreign teachers who teach at the Bina Cipta Utama National Plus School, Subud Tangkiling, last Thursday (15/10/2015).

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Regulation of the Minister of the Interior (Permendagri) number 49/2010 regarding the monitoring of foreigners and foreign community organizations in the area, the Mayor of Palangka raya through the body of the Kesbangpol city and relevant agencies doing monitoring against the presence of foreigners in the territory of Palangka Raya.

For example, two foreign teachers who teach at the Bina Cipta Utama National Plus School, Subud Tangkiling. Kesbangpol together with team of Dinsosnaker, Prosecutors, Polres, Kodim and TNI AU, on Thursday (15/10/2015) did cross check data against 2 persons the foreign teachers.

Based on the results of the inspection, both of them have the requirements according to which they submit to the Immigration Office.

“In the meantime, we do routinely as much as four times a year,” said the head of the Kesbangpol through Kabid Vigilance H Rosadi SH after inspection.

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