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All Parties Must Accept the Constitutional Court’s Decision with an Open Heart


Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Law, Human Rights, Immigration, and Corrections, Yusril Ihza Mahendra emphasized the importance of all parties respecting and accepting whatever the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the dispute over the results of the 2024 Pilkada.

“We must comply because the Constitutional Court’s decision is final and binding. The Constitutional Court’s decision has permanent legal force so it must be implemented by all parties,” he said.

Yusril also explained that regional head candidates who file election result disputes to the Constitutional Court must complete their applications with sufficient evidence, arguments, and supporting data. Election organizers will also be asked for information.

“In this case, Bawaslu will also be asked for information and Gakkumdu will also be asked for information because in Gakkumdu there is the prosecutor’s office, there is the police to also provide reports on what actually happened in the region,” he added.

Furthermore, Yusril stated that the government is ready to provide information if there are allegations of violations involving government officials, including the police.

“We will hear what was said at the trial,” he said.

He also emphasized the government’s commitment to following the trial process at the Constitutional Court and accepting whatever the verdict is.

“If the Court says that a repeat election will be held in several places or several polling stations, then we will accept the decision and also make corrections,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Constitutional Court Judge Saldi Isra stated that the election result lawsuit would be decided based on the evidence presented in the trial.

“This trial is actually a battle of evidence, not a battle of opinions, not a battle of assumptions. So everything will be based on evidence,” Saldi stressed.

He appealed to all parties, both applicants, respondents, and other related parties, to present quality evidence.

“So all parties present evidence in this trial, this evidence is what we will assess,” he said.

Saldi also emphasized that the constitutional panel of judges would decide the case objectively according to the evidence presented.

“The more evidence there is, the easier it will be for us to decide this case,” he concluded.

The Constitutional Court’s decision, which is final and binding, is expected to be accepted with an open heart by all parties, in order to maintain the conduciveness and smoothness of the democratic process in Indonesia.

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