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Appreciate Efforts to Socialize the  Election  Law to the Public


By: Barra Dwi Rajendra )* 

It is very important that there is widespread socialization regarding the Election Law (UU) that has just been passed by the DPR RI as early as possible to all elements of Indonesian society for the sake of a better democratic party going forward.

All political parties participating in the 2024 general election, including candidates for legislative members and individual candidates who will contest the democratic election party, are of course required to know about the latest rules regarding elections.

However, these electoral rules should not only be known by the political parties and political elites participating in the election, but also must be known by all Indonesian citizens.

It is known that recently the Law (UU) for Stipulation of Government Regulation in lieu of Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore all elements of society must know about it.

The People’s Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) has ratified the Election Perppu to become law. Not only did it ratify, but the Chairperson of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, also ensured that the democratic elections in 2024 would continue according to the current schedule.

He stated that the election will continue according to the existing schedule and will be held on 14 February 2024. Furthermore, Puan also hopes that the ratification of the Election Perppu to become a law will be able to further expedite the implementation of the 2024 elections. Puan also hopes that the 2024 elections can be held without divisions.

It is indeed the obligation of all stakeholders to be able to try and ensure that the democratic party of the 2024 Election can be held safely, comfortably, happily and happily without divisions between people and one another.

There were several changes in the ratification of the Election Perppu into the Law when compared to the implementation of democratic parties in previous years. One of them is regarding the provision for a much shorter campaign duration, as set forth in the rules in Article 276 of Law Number 7 of 2017 in the Election Law which are binding.

Of course, with the duration of the campaign being changed and reduced compared to before, it becomes an aspect that is very mandatory for all stakeholders and also all elements of society to know, including political elites and the public. Because, for example, election participants who apparently still do not understand the changes in the Election Law, then with their ignorance, of course they will not be able to be free from the sanctions that have threatened them.

Then there was also a change in PKPU Number 33 of 2018 regarding the Second Amendment to PKPU Number 23 concerning the General Election Campaign. As written in Article 25 PKPU Election Campaign, since the establishment of political parties as election participants, they are prohibited from conducting campaigns before the start of the campaign period.

Even though it is prohibited to carry out campaigns before entering the campaign period, political parties participating in the election can still carry out outreach and also political education within their internal parties by using the method of placing political party flags and their order. Legislative participants can also hold limited meetings, but must include written notification to the election organizers, namely the KPU and Bawaslu no later than 1 (one) day before the activity is carried out.

So, by changing the provisions regarding democratic parties in the Election Law, the socialization period is longer, but the campaign period is shorter. Therefore, it is hoped that the political parties participating in the election, individual candidates and pairs of presidential and cawapres candidates are expected to be able to make the best use of this socialization period.

In fact, the limitations regarding the campaign must also be known by all electoral stakeholders, not only for election organizers, but also for the entire community so that a good democratic climate for elections will indeed be created and the principles of direct, public, free, secret, honest can be implemented. and fair.

It is very important to socialize all the provisions in the Election Law that have just been passed by the DPR RI to be known by the public as early as possible, including election participants and political parties. This can make the continuity of the election much better.

)* The author is Angkasa Media One Contributor

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