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Appreciation of Professionalism of Officials and Community Participation Makes Peaceful Papua Pilkada a Success


Jayapura – Papua Police Chief, Inspector General Patrige R Renwarin said that his staff is in the process of waiting for recommendations from the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) to follow up on reports of alleged election crimes as a reflection of respect for the applicable legal mechanisms, especially in the context of regional elections involving Lex specialis rules.

“We will only handle the case if we have received an official transfer from Bawaslu, as a step to ensure all actions remain within the legal framework. This shows the integrity and professionalism of the Papua Police in maintaining neutrality,” he said.

The successful implementation of the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in Papua this year is a valuable momentum in realizing a peaceful and integrity-based democracy. The government and a number of national figures expressed their high appreciation to the security forces who have worked professionally and to all Papuans who have actively participated in maintaining security and order during the Pilkada stages.

The implementation of the Pilkada in Papua has been prepared with tight security and preventive measures to prevent potential disturbances. Ahead of the voting, security forces worked extra hard to conduct patrols, provide security counseling, and quell potential riots that might arise.

Not only the security forces, the Papuan people also showed a crucial role in making the peaceful Pilkada a success. During the process, Papuans from various cultural and religious backgrounds united to promote peace and order.

Many traditional and community leaders directly provided an understanding of the importance of peaceful Pilkada, inviting residents to be wise, not easily provoked, and respect differences in choice. They view Pilkada not only as an event to elect a leader, but also as an opportunity for the Papuan people to unite in a stronger bond of brotherhood.

Responding to the dynamics that occurred ahead of the 2024 Regional Elections in Papua, the Head of the Papua People’s Information Granary (LIRA), Toenjes Swansen Maniagasi, SH expressed his appreciation and optimism towards the professionalism of the Papua Police Chief.

“Let us fully support the Regional Police Chief and his staff to carry out their duties well and professionally. There is no reason for us to doubt their commitment aimed at maintaining security and smooth elections for the benefit of the Papuan people,” he said.

Toenjes also invited all Papuan people to celebrate this democratic celebration with enthusiasm, use their voting rights as guaranteed by law, and maintain the security of themselves and their respective environments.

“The regional elections are a celebration of our democracy. Let us realize peace and togetherness in the process. We all hope that the regional elections in Papua can run safely, smoothly, and produce the best leaders for the future of Papua,” he added.

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