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Beware of Politicization of Ummah Wrapped in Religion


By: Aji Iskandar *

The party of democracy in Indonesia is just counting the days to reach its peak. The reason is that the election which is the culmination of a democratic party will be held on April 17 2019. Certainly, the two presidential and vice presidential couples are busy preparing themselves to the fullest. This is for the sake of efforts to win the presidency and vice presidential seat which will be occupied for the next five years.

The supporters of the two presidential and vice presidential candidates seem to be at the point of being like the bride who wants to get married. Their feelings appear to be mixed together. This became a kind of expression of excitement before reaching the H-day, about a few days later.

It is undeniable, Indonesian people longed for the presence of leaders who could bring great change in the next five years. Through the debate of presidential and vice presidential candidates held by the KPU for several sessions provided evidence that the two potential leaders of this nation were the best sons of the Indonesian nation.

How come? Even though the two presidential and vice presidential candidates present as potential leaders of this nation have shortcomings, they also have advantages. In fact, both of them can be referred to as representations of the character of Indonesian people who can be presented as examples of dignity and civilization.

After all, of course the Indonesian people, hoping to get peace, peace, and not easily provoked. Although, it cannot be rejected, there are some parties who intend to make noise so that peace and peace are disturbed. Of course the Indonesian people will not be consumed by provocations and invitations from these parties.

Because of what? Indonesian people are intelligent human beings who are sensitive in seeing various political phenomena that occur in this country. This includes when there are activities that insert covert political campaigns that are easily guessed by the public.

Last March 31, 2019, the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) held the “313 Community Alert Apple” to address the performance of the KPU (General Election Commission). Not only FUI participated in this action, but also several other mass organizations, such as FPI (Islamic Defenders Front), National Guards Movement for Ulema Fatwa (GNPF-U), Presidium Alumni (PA) 212, and other mass organizations. The essence of this action is to ask the KPU not to commit fraud when holding an election on April 17, 2019. The action of the “313 Community Alert Apple” will be followed by a campaign that “Let’s Put GBK Off! Come on Putting Down Jakarta! “Which will be held on April 7, 2019 at the Bung Karno Stadium (GBK).

These two movements seem to have a special tendentious mission to delegitimize the KPU as an independent state body that organizes elections. In fact, the members of the KPU and KPUD are the chosen people to hold elections. The people selected as members of the KPU and KPUD enter through strict selection. Of course, the professionalism, neutrality, integrity, and accountability of these people are undoubted.

We as Muslims who are also part of Indonesia, whether in Aceh or Papua, should be smart to sort out and choose things to follow or do. “313 People’s Alert Apples” Activities and “Come Put GBK Off!” Come on Putting Down Jakarta! ”What FUI and HRS (Habib Rizieq Sihab) did need to be looked at as a covert mission that was packaged in an action.

It is not impossible to keep the message of a veiled political campaign that indirectly leads the community to make a choice on one of the presidential and vice-presidential pairs.

Not only that, this also seems to be an invisible form of invitation that can delegitimize state institutions, in this case KPU or KPUD. In fact, the two state institutions have tried hard to show the best performance that can be done in their position as an independent institution in the election.

At the end of this paper, let’s unite no matter what political party or vice presidential candidate choice is in the heart. We unite the power to advance the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia to the forefront. KPU and KPUD, don’t be afraid, we will always be behind to support you. Stay strong and keep showing the performance that is owned as an institution capable of holding elections that are honest, fair and open.

  • The author is an observer of social and political problems

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