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Candidates Down to Mosques, Politicization of Religion?


By: Andri Hermansyah*

Mass movements in the political year were marked by the emergence of various activities in the name of social interests. One example is the activity of walking, recitation of mothers, social services and so forth. Furthermore, many of them use houses of worship in the context of the campaign. This then directs the participants’ opinions to tend to choose that person.

All religious people must have experienced the politicization of religion. Starting from spiritual activities on behalf of the defense of religion until special rituals do not escape from the planning of the socialization of legislative candidates at various regional levels. Although at first it did not mean that, but indirectly public opinion was led to remember the person. This tendency will arise when everyone expresses his choice.

One form of politicization of religion that we often visit is the servicing of material both lectures and sermons delivered at various houses of worship. This submission can be conveyed in secret or even openly. If it continues to be allowed, then the house of worship will lose its identity as a place of worship and culminate with God. In addition, complex problems will also occur to the campaigners, so that they can be dragged to trial.

Every movement carried out is inseparable from ulterior motives. The things done are as follows:

  1. Provide an understanding of how to choose leaders
  2. Giving souvenir when finished the event (can be in the form of goods or money
  3. Giving party attributes (t-shirts, umbrellas, etc.)

These three things are often done by legislative candidates when campaigning with citizens. Their hope is that the voices of citizens can enter in choosing themselves.

Whether or not recognized political competition is very fierce today. the few seats available are not comparable to the legislative candidates that appear. Each candidate seeks to win each other’s votes in order to win. Of course this will be difficult, especially for those of you who do not have the potential or ability to meet the demands of citizens. Everything is done in a very subtle way and carefully to avoid the authorized officers.

One of the most crowded places of worship and criticism from various parties is the mosque. As we know, the mosque is a place where people gather in worship. This place is a location that is very easy to find and is the easiest arena to enter. Based on this, there were many findings which stated that in their place of worship they did their purpose.

In Law Number 32 Year 2014, the regional government in which the following regulation is written “the campaign is prohibited from using places of worship and education”. It is clear in the Act that the campaign should not be carried out in places of worship.

As for if it is still violated, the next meal will be sanctions. Therefore, you need to be careful in deciding something, thinking that things that are not cold will actually hamper your progress as a regional representative.

At present, with the rampant campaign procession, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo is holding a campaign in Banten in March 2019. The action was attended by thousands of participants Joko Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin. The enthusiasm of volunteers poured out, they were committed to the success of Joko Widodo again
The next President of the Republic of Indonesia in the second period. When the speech in front of thousands of supporters, Joko Widodo appealed not to use the house of worship as a field to look for votes.

Competing in a healthy manner is a noble moment and can foster honest behavior with oneself and others. In addition, if there is indeed such a violation, you will be convicted by the related party.

The community’s trust in the government began to increase again with the emergence of the presidential program Joko Widodo which had been realized. This then increased the enthusiasm of the volunteers to support Joko Widodo as president of Indonesia in the following period. How about you? Are you still confused about choosing? If yes, make sure you see the background and achievements of each candidate so that you know which candidate is more appropriate to be the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
*) The author is an observer of socio-cultural problems

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