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Closing the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, President Jokowi: ASEAN Must Be a Driver to Create a Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous Region


Jakarta – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said ASEAN must be a driving force in creating a peaceful, stable and prosperous region. This is very important following the fact that ASEAN is now being taken into account by the world with all its developments.

“During the meeting I captured the optimism and positive energy of all those present. I can honestly say, this strengthens hope, this strengthens enthusiasm, to continue the struggle, creating a peaceful region, a stable region, and a prosperous region,” said President Jokowi while concluding the series of the 43rd ASEAN summit or summit on Thursday afternoon ( 7/9/2023).

President Jokowi In his closing remarks emphasized that ASEAN is a stable and peaceful region.

“Let’s strengthen the Indo-Pacific region as a theater of peace and inclusiveness. This is the key foundation that will usher in a better future for ASEAN for its people and for the world. “This is the essence built by the Indonesian chairmanship to make ASEAN Matters the Epicentrum of Growth,” concluded Jokowi.

He added, every leader present has a shared responsibility not to create new tensions, and at the same time we also have a responsibility to reduce heated tensions, melt the frozen atmosphere and create space for dialogue.

“ASEAN as part of the Asia Pacific region continues to collaborate in inviting all parties to maintain peace throughout the region. Indonesia and ASEAN also continue to speak for developing countries, including the right to the welfare of their people through downstream industries,” he said.

However, President Jokowi reminded that ASEAN’s task was not finished, ASEAN’s great work could not be completed in one chairmanship alone. “We will continue to face various dynamics, complexities and global challenges,” he said.

On the same occasion, President Jokowi expressed his high appreciation to all the leaders and guests who attended. During these three days, 12 summit meetings were held and produced 90 outcome documents and a number of concrete agreements with partners.

On the other hand, regarding Myanmar, ASEAN will continue its efforts, Indonesia through its chairmanship has submitted 5 steps to assist Myanmar, one of which is through the establishment of the Troika mechanism, said President Jokowi.

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