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Coordination of the security apparatus with the entire community element prevents the potential virginity of Pilkada


By: Sabrina Aulia)*

Joint coordination between the security forces and the entire element of the community is a very useful thing to prevent the possibility of potential virginity in the implementation of the Election of the Head of the District (Pilkada) 2024.

Because, if the security forces with the whole element of society without exception can establish a good coordination, then it is not impossible that Pilkada 2024 will be much more smooth.

The smooth Pilkada 2024 is something that people very much expect to happen, some of which indicates when the potential for the virginity of the regional level of democracy party does not happen. Therefore, good coordination between the security apparatus and the entire civilian element is essential.

All parties such as the local City Government and a number of related agencies including the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), then from the ranks of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri), the Indonesian National Army (TNI) to the Pamong Praja Police Unit (Satpol PP), the General Election Oversight Agency (Bawaslu), the Public Election Commission (KPU) and the political parties (parpol) should coordinate to the maximum.

One good example is the presence of the Cross Sectoral Traffic Coordination Meeting in the Seluma district of Bengkulu Province, which on the occasion, the Chief of Resor Police (Kapolres) Seluma that the main purpose of the Rakor was to discuss how security measures were taken during the Pilkada process.

It is clear that the security forces will further strengthen and tighten security during the process of the Election of the District Chief, as it will thus further minimize the various potential threats and also risks that may arise, especially at the polling stations. (TPS).

Pilkada itself is a very important momentum for the sustainability of democracy in Indonesia. So all parties must have an active role inining security and smoothness in the electoral process.

It is also important that there is synergy between the institutions and active participation by the whole element of society in creating a conducive situation during the implementation of the Election of the Head of the District.

Invite all the elements of society to continue to keep united and continue to promote the spirit of unity for the success of the 2024 Pilkada.

All such cross-sectoral elements must be able to ensure that the regional level democracy party can run safely, orderly and peacefully with the active participation of the public to maintain regional stability during the electoral process.

No less important is how strictly monitored every stage of the 2024 Pilkada, from the registration of candidates, campaigns to the vote counting process. Maximum monitoring is essential to prevent any breaches during the Pilkada.

All parties must agree to commit themselves toining neutrality and professionalism in carrying out their duties. Good coordination between the security forces and all the relevant agencies, including elements of the public, including the political contestants themselves, can ensure that Pilkada 2024 takes place safely and smoothly.

With good cross-sectoral coordination, it can a good Election process without significant barriers, as well as being able to present qualified regional leaders through an honest and fair election process.

Meanwhile, another example is how efforts to anticipate the virginity of Pilkada 2024 by the Central Java Provincial Government (Pemprov Jateng) continue to improve coordination with various parties.

Governor (Pj) Jateng, Police Commissioner General (Committee of Poles) Accountant Drs. Nana Sudjana said that one of the preventive efforts they made was to coordinate with the KPU, Bawaslu, TNI, Polri to the High Prosecutor’s Office.

There will be coordination that will maximize the accompaniment efforts and succeed in the title of Pilkada. Moreover, in the political controversy the level of the region also has quite varied virginity potential.

Some of the virginity potential of Pilkada 2024 is the presence of intense inter-party competition, then spreading and the emergence of fake news or hoaks, hate speech, political practices of money and the neutrality of the civil apparatus of the state. (ASN). Not even impossible, for the election of the head of the district itself could be more susceptible than Pilpres.

Senada, in an effort to prepare the Election of the Head of the District 2024 to take place successfully without obstacles, then Bawaslu Ciamis also held a coordination meeting (record) preparation and virginity mapping.

According to the Chief Bawaslu of Ciamis District, Jajang Miftahudin that the activity is aimed at ensuring the 2024 simultaneous elections can take place with successful conducive, democratic. As a result, his side carried out a virginity mapping that included a number of vulnerable points that could potentially cause problems.

The continued coordination of the security apparatus with the whole range of elements of the community can clearly further prevent the possibility of potential virginity and risk in all stages of the Pilkada 2024 process.

)* The author is a political observer

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