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Cross-Sectoral Synergy is the Key to the Success of the 2024 Election


By : Aditya Anggara )*

In the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) process, the Security Apparatus (Apkam) has an important role in maintaining national security stability. However, synergy with relevant stakeholders and all elements of society is important to jointly prevent various kinds of threats ahead of the elections.

Cross-sectoral synergy is collaboration between various parties in society, including the government, political parties, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), and citizens, to ensure that elections take place well, fairly, and in accordance with a healthy democracy. Election conduciveness refers to a situation where elections can take place without disturbances, threats or violence that threaten security and order.

In the context of a democratic party, cross-sectoral synergy is a key factor that can help ensure the successful implementation of a democratic party. There are several aspects of synergy that are important for the success of a democratic party.

First, Community Participation. The success of a democratic party is very dependent on active community participation. Synergy between society, community groups and government institutions is important so that voters feel heard and have ownership of the democratic process.

Second, collaboration between government agencies. Cooperation between government institutions, such as the General Election Commission (KPU), Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), and other related institutions, must be well maintained. This involves efficient coordination and mutual support in the planning, implementation and monitoring of elections.

Third, transparency. Synergy requires transparency in the entire election implementation process. This includes providing clear information about candidates, platforms, election regulations and election results to the public. Transparency is also important in political campaign financing.

Fourth, Media and Journalist Involvement. The media has a very important role in disseminating objective and balanced information. Good relationships between the media and electoral institutions and other stakeholders can increase synergy in providing quality news during elections.

Fifth, Independent Monitoring. Independent monitoring organizations such as Bawaslu have a key role in ensuring that elections are fair and clean. Synergy between Bawaslu, the authorities and other stakeholders is important to maintain election integrity.

Sixth, namely Security. Security forces must work together to maintain order during the election. This synergy is important to avoid conflicts and disturbances that could disrupt the election implementation process.

Synergy is a key factor to ensure the success of the 2024 Election. Because synergy from all related parties is very necessary and must be increasingly solid, especially in anticipating various conflicts that might occur at each stage of the Election.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the importance of synergy with the TNI, community and religious figures to maintain mutual unity ahead of the 2024 elections. Apart from that, his party will prepare all forces, both personnel, equipment and how to act in accordance with applicable regulations, and continue to improve coordination cross-sectoral, so that the 2024 election event can run well and safely.

Before the election, we must work together and support each other to increase cross-sectoral synergy. Therefore, this cross-sectoral synergy is useful for equalizing perceptions, aligning plans and actions that will be implemented in order to prepare for holding elections. So that the implementation of election security can run safely and peacefully. 

The same thing was also said by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Mahfud MD, who emphasized that the 2024 Simultaneous General Election had entered the predetermined stages. The government is ready to synergize and facilitate the running of the election.

Apart from that, there are various issues regarding preparation for the 2024 elections, both in terms of potential problems in the political, legal and security sector, identification of provinces with a high level of electoral vulnerability, preparation of budgets for election needs, security plans, and anticipation of various facilities that must be prepared.

Mahfud hopes that the Government will synergize in ensuring that the election stages are carried out and run properly, and that any obstacles can be anticipated so that the election runs safely and smoothly. Apart from that, all  stakeholders  need to work as hard as possible in carrying out their duties, authority and obligations at every stage of the 2024 election.

Cross-sectoral synergy and election conduciveness are very important to maintain a healthy democracy and avoid conflict and tension that could disrupt political stability. Therefore, cooperation between the government, political parties, NGOs and civil society is urgently needed to achieve fair and safe elections. It is hoped that the 2024 elections will be successful, as well as shared responsibility for election security between all stakeholders and upholding human rights principles in election security.

Therefore, the success of a democratic party requires joint efforts from various parties, including society, government, supervisory institutions, media and civil society organizations. Synergy between all these parties is key to maintaining election integrity, increasing voter participation, and ensuring that the results reflect the will of the people.

)* The author is an observer of domestic politics

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