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Declaration of Support by Kiai and Santri Pangandaran


By: Aam Abdurahman *

The masses of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Pangandaran Regency declared support for the couple Joko Widodo – Ma’ruf Amin in the 2019 Presidential Election. The declaration was attended by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. It is said, Ma’ruf Amin is a descendant of Pakuana Padjajaran which includes the Kingdom of Galuh which is currently Ciamis Regency. Where Pangandaran Regency had joined Ciamis before.

The masses who are members of the Kiai and Santri (Kisan) volunteers in Pangandaran Regency are dominated by Muslim uniformed women, the NU women’s wing organization. Chairman of Pangandaran Regency PCNU, Kiai Fauzan Aziz, explained that the declaration was attended by around 12 thousand people. Including the kiai, santri, boarding school boarders, cadres of NU wing organizations, local leaders, and residents of Pangandaran Regency.

The declaration was held at Boulevard Field, a tourist attraction in Pangandaran Beach, February 28, 2019. Attended by vice-presidential candidate Ma’ruf Amin, Chairperson of the West Java NU Muslimat Region, Hj. Ela, Deputy Chairman of the Mustafa Management of Purwakarta Regency’s Nahdlatul Ulama Branch (PCNU) Dede Mulyadi, Mustafa PCNU Pangandaran Regency H Jeje Wiradinata, community leaders Pangandaran H. Adang Hadari and Yos Rosbi, as well as hundreds of religious leaders and other scholars.

Deputy Chairperson of Purwakarta Regency PCNU Dedi Mulyadi said Ma’ruf Amin had the spirit and enthusiasm of the Galuh community. “So the spirit of Mr. Jokowi is the spirit of the people of Galuh to contribute to the development of the Indonesian nation,” he said.

Based on the results of discussions with leaders in Pangandaran Regency the target of winning for the Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin pair is 70% of the vote. “And I’m sure of that, because Mr. Jokowi has been able to prove and be able to develop the community, such as road construction and others,” he said.

On a similar occasion, Ma’ruf Amin also said that he would support improving the quality of the tourism sector in Pangandaran Beach. According to him Pangandaran Beach tourism object is still your tourism in West Java. Therefore, supporting facilities for tourist destinations must be improved such as infrastructure and other infrastructure.

When asked that the next camp would develop tourism in Bali would be sharia tourism. Ma’ruf Amin said that the first idea of ​​sharia tourism came from him, “If he participates, Alhamdulillah,” said Ma’ruf Amin.
The idea had been around 20 years ago, that there were sharia tours, sharia hotels including sharia travel. “Just packing it, but if he wants to join in, thank you,” said Ma’ruf Amin.

According to Ma’ruf Amin, the government has now built 10 new strategic tourist areas. However, he explained, that not only focusing on the 10, developed tourist areas such as Pangandaran, would also be developed by the government. While in his speech, Ma’ruf explained his reasons for accepting Jokowi’s proposal. Apart from the support of the kiai, according to Ma’ruf, his decision to advance was also an honor of NU and the Sundanese.
The declaration activities from morning to midday were conducive. The masses, some of whom came using pickup trucks from various areas in Pangandaran, dispersed themselves in an orderly manner.

NU residents in Pangandaran will fight hard to win the Presidential Candidate – Vice President Joko Widodo – KH Ma’ruf Amin in the 2019 Presidential Election. The determination was tempered in the event of kiai and santri hospitality with Ahmad Syauqi Ma’ruf Amin who was the purta of Kiai Ma’ruf Amen.

“NU residents should not be ignorant in any democratic party. Because NU citizens have an important role in building this nation and country. Make the Presidential Election later part of ijtihad and jihad for advanced Indonesia, “said Syauqi.

Abah Maufuf became Jokowi’s partner as Vice President not for personal or family interests. He was determined to dedicate his life to the NU people in particular, said Syauqi. He also added that Kiai Ma’ruf was very attached to NU because it was a former PBNU leader.
C19 Master Director of KMA Portal Doddy Dwi Nugroho added that Kiai Ma’ruf was one of the NU leaders who had a strong commitment to safeguarding the Indonesian nation.

“This NKRI must be fortified by people like Kiai Ma’ruf. He also often said that at this time he was like planting a tree that would not necessarily be able to enjoy the fruit later. This means that the fruit is for the Indonesian people, “said Doddy.

Young West Java figures and Legislative Candidates (Legislative Candidates) from the Democratic National Party Yosep Yusdiana said that NU residents must work hard to win Jokowi – Kiai Ma’ruf.

On another occasion, KH Asep Saifudin Chalim as Chairperson of PP Pergunu was also convinced that Jokowi – Ma’ruf would be absolute in Pandandaran. He also claimed that he would continue to struggle to win Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin so that the Indonesian State would immediately advance, be fair and prosperous.

It also felt hot about the news that Hoas continued to hit President Joko Widodo, even he explained that in view of Islam, hoaxes were the biggest sins among the biggest sins. Kiai Asep admitted that he would continue to pray about Indonesian leaders in the future so that this country would still be led by the nation’s Ahlusunnah Wal Jamaah who had a strong commitment to guard the NKRI.

  • The author is a FISIP student at Lambung Mangkurat University

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