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Don’t Use Worship Houses as Campaign Media


By: Randy Priyatna *

Banten (March / 2019) was attended by candidates for President and Vice President Jokowi-Amin. Welcoming their arrival, people flocked to await their presence with processions and remarks from the local area. This event is an open campaign carried out by Jokowi-Amin so that the community is closer and aware of the program that will be encouraged if Jokowi-Amin wins the next Presidential Election.

In his campaign, Jokowi-Amin brought the theme of peace and appealed to the public to continue to have positive thinking and be a smart person in finding information. Do not get caught up in the news Hoax or slander that is unfounded. In addition, the pair with the 001 serial number appealed to all groups to be able to be independent in developing the nation’s economy.

The enthusiasm of the people towards President Joko Widodo is indeed undoubted, they feel they have benefited from the government so they do not want to turn away. This proves that the public still believes the government’s performance will be better. Various programs that have been realized by Joko Widodo are clear evidence of the government working during Joko Widodo’s administration. In addition, in delivering speeches in Banten, Joko Widodo appealed to all candidates for the people’s representatives not to use or name religious institutions in voting.

Using religious institutions, especially places of worship can be subject to demands in the form of criminal or fine. The place of worship itself is a holy place that should be used by someone who has special interests. If this happens continuously and is legalized, then the identity of the house of worship will be lost. There is no longer a calm situation in the mosque, other than taking care of personal interests. This is very dangerous, so if you know this, you should immediately report it to the parties related to campaign security.

Campaign activity is one of the things that is commonly done by people running for regional representation. Their movements tend to prioritize the interests of citizens. The ways in which prospective representatives in bringing themselves closer to society are as follows:

  • Attending various activities, both at RT and RW levels
  • Collect as much citizen data as possible
  • Installation of various attributes supporting the campaign
  • Giving various campaign attributes that can be worn by supporters
  • Gathering participants’

These five things are not just an outline, besides, there are a lot of motives which are certainly in the name of the public interest. Their main goal is to gain public trust so they can help them get votes at the time of the election.

Campaign rules have been arranged in such a way by prospective representatives. However, few apply it. Some of them tend to ignore and don’t care at all. Even if there are findings, he alone will bear the risk. The risk of violations of campaign rules can be criminalized by imprisonment and or monetary penalties. If this happens then it is certain that you cannot advance at the next stage.

The problem at the moment is the campaign procession carried out in the house of worship. Many of them practice the campaign through various religious activities that take the name of morality and beliefs. Of course this can be troubling to the citizens, and it is feared that there will be division between religious communities and other religions.

Religious issues are very sensitive and complicated things to overcome. Because in it has a principle of trust that cannot be moved easily. The satisfaction of opinions directed at just one object will bring a lot of time. Therefore, religious institutions are the main target of prospective representatives to gain a lot of votes. As with the provision of funds in the Big Day activities, present at religious studies up to religious rituals that are already routine to be carried out.

As a young generation we must participate in the success of the people’s representatives election. This moment does not occur every day. You must make sure that you will not regret after dropping a choice on someone you feel has the ability to lead. In addition, you also need to be aware of the behavior of prospective representatives who are seen doing campaigns in houses of worship. This is done to maintain inter-religious harmony and avoid inter-religious divisions.

*) Social Observer

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