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Encouraging Youth Participation to Realize Democratic Elections


By : Dwi Cahya Alfarizi )*

In 2024, Indonesia will again face an important moment in the history of its democracy with the implementation of the General Election. Recognizing the strategic role of the younger generation, not only as future leaders, but also as dominant voters, the challenge of increasing their active participation in the democratic process becomes more urgent.

As the majority of voters, the younger generation has great potential to shape the direction of policy and the future of the country. Therefore, it is a collective duty to encourage them not only to attend in large numbers, but also to cast their votes wisely and intelligently.

Elections are not just a five-year ritual, but the main foundation for the sustainability of Indonesian democracy. Basically, elections are the stage where the people’s voice becomes the main determinant of the direction of state policy and leadership.

Since the presidential and vice presidential elections in Indonesia began in 2004, this process has become an important milestone that reflects the essence of democracy. According to Moertopo’s explanation, elections are a means for the people to exercise their sovereignty in accordance with the principles stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

In the context of democracy, elections are the main foundation that connects the people with the government. The people’s voice is the most powerful instrument for expressing their will and aspirations, as well as determining policy directions that are considered in accordance with democratic values. Elections are a reflection of the health of a country’s democracy and are a stage on which democratic principles are realized.

The young generation, which is not only a group that has the potential to become future leaders, but also the largest number of voters in the 2024 General Election, has a big responsibility in carving out the nation’s future.

Their involvement in the democratic process is not just a right, but also a valuable opportunity to make a real contribution to policy formation. The importance of the active participation of the younger generation lies in its direct impact on daily life, including efforts to overcome inequality and create social justice.

The younger generation not only has potential, but also has huge challenges to overcome. One of the main challenges is the lack of political awareness and understanding of their role in developing the country.

Therefore, there needs to be a serious effort to increase political literacy among the younger generation so that they can make wise decisions and understand the consequences of every choice they make.

General elections or general elections play several important roles in the progress of a country. First, elections are one of the main pillars of democracy, allowing the people to choose their leaders.

In a democratic system, the people’s vote reflects the will of the majority. Second, elections provide active opportunities for citizens to get involved in the political process. High participation can stimulate healthy discussion and debate on relevant issues. Third, elections provide opportunities for potential individuals with good vision and leadership to advance and be elected.

The importance of elections lies not only in the final results, but also in the entire process. Election campaigns, debates between candidates, and voter education are elements that create a healthy democratic atmosphere. Therefore, encouraging the participation of young people in the full range of election activities is key to ensuring that their voices are recognized and respected.

In facing the 2024 elections, the role of the police is vital in maintaining conduciveness and security. For example, in Salawangi village, Bantarujeg, Majalengka Regency, members of the police, such as the Bhabinkamtibmas Bantarujeg Police, Bripka Andryana, together with the Head of the Binmas Unit, Aiptu D. Yusup, and the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit, Bripka H. Rohendi, are directly involved in efforts to maintain the stability of the situation.

They took to the field to give advice to first-time voters, emphasizing the importance of being dedicated to the nation and state by voting wisely, and appreciating ethical values ​​and noble character.

The spirit promoted by Bhabinkamtibmas Andryana Mutakin is to encourage teenagers to be actively involved in the democratic process, realizing that voting is an effective way to voice aspirations and has a positive impact on the country’s progress.

The younger generation, as the dominators of the 2024 election, should understand that their responsibility does not stop at just voting. They have an important role in building and strengthening Pancasila values ​​in their actions and thoughts.

In facing the complexity of global challenges, maintaining a sense of nationalism and concern for the community is key. Campaigns, as one effort, can be an effective means of teaching the younger generation about increasing political awareness and involving them in elections.

Encouraging the involvement of the younger generation in the democratic process is not only the task of the government or related institutions. All elements of society, especially the younger generation themselves, need to unite to create a strong culture of participation.

By instilling democratic values ​​and Pancasila, the younger generation can become a positive force that leads Indonesia towards a better future. The 2024 election is not only about choosing leaders, but also about building strong foundations for progress and shared prosperity. Let’s together create a better Indonesia through active involvement in the democratic process.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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